It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
We exchanged our first gifts of the season on Saturday evening!! My sister-in-law and brother-in-law hosted a wonderful family Christmas party. I just love watching the cousins play, family is such a blessing. The food was fabulous and the company as even better. Such a wonderful way to begin our week of Christmas fun.
Sunday was a fun and relaxing day. I must admit I didn’t get out of my pajamas ALL DAY. Ha!! It was just what I needed. Steve took Sophia and Isabella to see The Good Dinosaur and it was a hit; they had so much fun with their Daddy. While they were gone I finished the rest of my wrapping (Yes, as of right now I am all caught up, but I do have a few more gifts arriving this week.). I also had time to get our kitchen ready to make and decorate sugar cookies; our girls had so much fun. This was McKayla and McKenzie first year joining in all the fun and they certainly loved it!!
I must say this white chocolate candy mix is delicious, but addicting. I love making it to not only give some to teachers, family and friends, but to enjoy ourselves as well. I seriously, ate way to much of it this weekend, but it was worth it. I’m glad I only make it once a year, but Sophia might try to convince me into making it more often; she loves it as much as I do.
We ended our weekend watching The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I love our family movie nights and they just keep getting better.
{Thank you Katie for hosting Marvelous in My Monday}
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- Now it’s your turn; what is marvelous in your life?
Love the pictures of the girls making the cookies! And that quote from the Grinch is one of my all time favorites. Merry Christmas to you and your family!