Oh where do I begin?! First, can you believe December starts tomorrow? Oh my!! I truly love this time of year, but man is it busy? Not only am I getting ready for our Christmas, but I am also in the midst of planning Sophia’s class party. Yes, I’m at it again. Luckily, there are three of us moms and we work well together. It’s actually pretty fun just time consuming.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am sorry I didn’t get to chat with all of you very much, but we were busy traveling to Niagara Falls, New York. Our drive was okay, I am not going to say it was AMAZING because that would just be a lie. Ha!! But, no really Sophia and Isabella were angels, we didn’t hear much from them. McKayla and McKenzie on the other hand, not so much. We heard their little voices and whines A LOT, but we all survived and our trip was wonderful. The weather couldn’t have been better; we actually got to run around outside. We had so much fun visiting with our family and the girls loved playing with their cousins. Our memories will last forever.
Yes, I had really cute white shoes to go with their outfits, but of course they insisted on wearing their boots.
And we couldn’t leave New York without a stop at our favorite place, Uncle Mike’s Dairy Queen.
Our trip was so much fun, but I must say it feels good to be home.
Okay let’s get real for a moment. I don’t know about you, but my healthy eating has gotten away from me over the past couple weeks and that’s ok, it happens. But, it’s time for me to get back on track and there’s no better way then to use my 21 day fix containers and meal plan. I just love how it encourages me to eat my veggies, fruits, and lean proteins, but of course allows the appropriate amount of starches. It’s truly a healthy living meal plan. Now, of course the holidays are upon us and I will definitely be enjoying my fair share of sweets, but for now I am going to clean up my diet a little more then it has been. I will share with you what my day looks like on Wednesday.
{Thank you Katie for hosting Marvelous in My Monday}
Mondays exhaust me so I am going to bed. I will talk to you tomorrow.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me all about your Thanksgiving.