MIMM #13 ā€“ Girlsā€™ Birthday Pary

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MIMM #13 ā€“ Girlsā€™ Birthday Pary

Happy Monday everyone! That means we get to talk about all things marvelous in our lives. šŸ™‚ Donā€™t forget to head over to Katieā€™s blog to see everyoneā€™s marvelous happenings!


As always thank you Katie for hosting.

Today is a marvelous day first and foremost because I am still pregnant. YAY!

It was absolutely marvelous that I was able to come home and celebrate my girlsā€™ birthday party with them. I am truly blessed.

Tinkerbell and Periwinkle Cake!

Birthday Party 2013 - cake

A Castle Bounce House!

Birthday Party 2013 - bounce house

Birthday Party 2013 - bounce house sophia Birthday Party 2013 - bounce house sophia 1

Isabella and Mommy eating our food together. It was a very hot and humid day. I have never seen her hair so curly.

Birthday Party 2013 - bella and mommy

A very pregnant Mama!!

Birthday Party 2013 - mommy

Auntie Ade (my sister) and Sophia.

Birthday Party 2013 - sophia and ade

Singing happy birthday to Sophia. This is the first year of no tears. WOW! In the past she would get so shy; she didnā€™t like the attention. This year we made it through cake and presents with tear-free. That is marvelous.

Birthday Party 2013 - gift 4 Birthday Party 2013 - gift 5 Birthday Party 2013 - gift 7 Birthday Party 2013 - gift 8 Birthday Party 2013 - gift 12 - mimi and girls Birthday Party 2013 - gift Birthday Party 2013 - gift 10 Birthday Party 2013 - gift 9 levi and s Birthday Party 2013 - gift 3 Birthday Party 2013 - gift 2

PiƱata time! Sophia was so excited to have one at her party. Isabella would rather eat her cake. She said no to the piƱata.

Birthday Party 2013 - pinata Birthday Party 2013 - pinata candy grab

Birthday Party 2013 - cake with sophia Birthday Party 2013 - cake with sophia blowing out candels 4 Birthday Party 2013 - cake group 2

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6 comments on ā€œMIMM #13 ā€“ Girlsā€™ Birthday Paryā€

  1. Alex@Veggin' Out on said:

    What adorable pictures! Iā€™m sure your girls loved their party. šŸ™‚ I mean with that cake, bounce house, and pinata, how could they not? šŸ˜‰ Youā€™re such a wonderful mom for putting so much time into making sure they have a good party. My mom always tried to do the same, and I remember so many of my birthdays (even the early ones) because of it and greatly appreciate her hard work ā€“ Iā€™m sure you girls will remember their birthdays forever too šŸ™‚


    • Thank you. It truly was a fun day of partying. Sophia and Isabella are each at such fun ages. šŸ™‚ I tend to go a little overboard when it comes to birthdays. :/ I hope like you our girls remember these wonderful times; happiness is what life is all about!!

  2. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    It looks like it was such a fun day Renee! Iā€™m so glad that you were feeling good and able to celebrate in such a fun way! The girls look like they had a blast!

  3. Beth Sheridan @sugarcoatedsheridans on said:

    Oh so precious!!! I am so glad that you were able to be there with themā€¦Such beautiful girls šŸ™‚

    • Thank you, me too!! I really didnā€™t think it was going to happen and I was so heart broken. It was a blessing. šŸ™‚