Oh Monday, your back and I have so much to do, but instead of getting it all done I am snuggling and playing with my Isabella while the babies nap. One thing I have learned is don’t let your to-do list get too long; set simple goals. So, on Monday’s I only plan to get the overload of laundry folded and put away. On the weekends I will throw in a load or two, but I don’t typically fold or put anything away; which means I have a lot to make up for come Monday. My goal on Monday’s is simply the laundry, I don’t try to get any major cleaning done; I save that for Tuesday when Isabella is at school. Our children grow up so fast I am truly trying to spend more time with each of them, the housework can wait.
As I watched Sophia walk into school this morning I got teary eyed (Yes, she has been going every day for a couple of years, but it’s still difficult each and every day.) and I began to realize why it’s not easy. I just wish I could get back these past 6 years and start all over. I wish I could give birth to my first born knowing everything I know now, after having 4 daughters. I wish I wasn’t the nervous first time mom when she was born, I wish I was the veteran mom I am now. I just pray that I was enough for her. I pray that even though Sophia taught me how to be a mom (I learned A LOT throughout those first years.) that my love for her was enough. I pray that I taught her how to be a kind, loving, good person. That I taught my daughter how to make the right decisions. That I taught her how to live her best life.
Wow, that got a little deeper then expected, but this has been on my mind for awhile now and just escalated this morning while dropping Sophia off and all I can think about is that my little Isabella will be going to school full time before I know it.
Okay, let’s talk about our weekend. It all began with a relaxing Saturday watching football and playing games.
Sunday, was a little busier, but oh so much fun. It began with a nice family breakfast followed by church and Sunday school, then a fun party at Gram and Grandpa’s house. Since, we aren’t home for Thanksgiving we celebrate it early. There were crafts, games, food, and so much more.
And I am so excited to tell you that I have finally perfected my Nut Free Paleo Granola Crunch. It’s, seriously delicious and addicting. Oh my!! I will post it tomorrow, be on the look out.
{Thank you Katie for hosting.}
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- I’d love to hear all about your weekend.