What a weekend I had!! Yes, I said I for the first time in FOREVER. Friday and Saturday were all about little old me, but boy did I miss my girls. I don’t even know where to start. Not only did I have a wonderful time learning about health and fitness, I met a ton of beautiful ladies, inside and out. I learned so much about myself; never in a million years did I think I would learn more about myself then anything else and it would be a highlight of my trip. I truly feel as though I came back ready to be a better mom, wife, and women. I came back ready to find a healthy balance with everything in my life. I came back ready to figure out what’s next. I am ready for this new “babyless” phase of our lives. Our family is growing up and I finally feel ready; well kind of.
First of all I have to say Kattie Fleece is an amazing, kind, loving women. She is a beautiful person inside and out. I feels so very blessed to have been able to spend a couple of days with such a caring women. Kattie’s love for life shines through all she does and she makes it easy to feel that same zest for life. She is truly an inspiration for loving your life and making the best of EVERYTHING!! I love being around happy, life loving people because that is how I want to live my life. I hope I give off the same happy vibe day in and day out.
I can’t even begin to tell you all about the AMAZING life-long friends I met this weekend. These ladies changed my life forever and I am truly blessed to have met each and every one of them. Once Sunday morning arrived I seriously missed talking to all these wonderful ladies.
I accomplished things I never thought I would have been able to before this retreat. I stepped out of my comfort zone time and time again this weekend. Between the meet and great, the photo shoot, the workouts, the parties, the shopping this weekend couldn’t have been better.
Head on over to Kattie’s Facebook page to see more pictures and signup for next year’s Fall Fitness Retreat (at 50% off, until November 1st).
This weekend I felt good about my body and myself for the first time in awhile. If you’ve been reading my blog you know I have been having trouble loving where I am at with my fitness level, but after seeing what it can do I am proud of body. I have had four daughters and I feel and look (not easy for me to say; I am always hardest on myself) GREAT!! The best part of this weekend is that I felt strong and healthy and beautiful. I am truly learning that being healthy is not the same as being skinny (I always say that, but I am finally starting to actually believe it). I am strong and I am PROUD!!
I must tell you the few days leading up to my leaving was not easy. I was not only trying to get myself all packed and ready to go, I had to have my girls are set for the couple of days with their daddy. And let me tell you it was not easy setting everything up; I quickly realized this was not Daddy’s domain. Ha!! As I was leaving Friday morning (giving all my step by step instructions) Steve compares my leaving on a school day to him sending me to his office on day with a big closing. Yes, my hubby always compares my “job” as a mom to his career. I am truly blessed, but he was right. School mornings are a lot of work, especially since they aren’t really Isabella’s favorite day or as Isabella says, she doesn’t like school; she’d rather be with mommy.
The girls and Daddy had a wonderful two days. They survived and had some much needed daddy, daughter time. This weekend was not only a learning experience for me; everyone learned something.
Poor McKayla was sick while I was away, so once I got home Saturday night I brought her into bed with me (I did wait until she woke up crying, but then she was all mine. :)); I really NEEDED some snuggles. I felt terrible I wasn’t there for my little McKayla, but her and Daddy had lots of time together and it was so sweet.
Sunday afternoon we had a wonderful time at Steve’s dad and stepmom’s house. We not only had fun celebrating a couple birthdays, but we enjoyed playing with our cousins.
Oh, how I missed these sweet faces.
I can’t wait to show you all the amazing things I received in my welcome bag. Over the next week or so I will fill you in on all the new products and companies I was introduced to and I can’t wait to share all of the wonderful things I learned. Stay tuned.
{I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday}
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me all about your weekend.
- Would you ever consider going on a Fitness Retreat?
sounds like such a wonderful weekend away, even though you missed your family, getting some time for yourself is important too. I attended Glow Retreat in August and it was amazing to be surrounded by like minded people, get in good workouts and have workshops digging deep into ourselves. I really did feel like a new person when I got back and it was so worth it. Hoping to do more retreats in the future.
Having some “me” is the BEST and on so important.