Okay, I can’t believe I just wrote 5 months. It is crazy to think they are already 5 months old. I feel like it was just yesterday that we found out we were having twins. Actually it was just about a year go I found out I was pregnant, but I never thought I had two babies in there.
This past month things have definitely started to get easier (I hate using the word easy when it comes to twins, but that is the truth). McKenzie and McKayla are sleeping better at night and they are starting to become happier during the day. Life is good!!
McKenzie Madison
14 Pounds 4 Ounces
Sleep: McKenzie loves her wubbanub. She also likes to find her thumb, but I try to replace it with her pacifier. I simply think it will be easy to break a pacifier habit. But to be honest with you at this point if she really wants her thumb and it will make her sleep longer, go for it!! McKenzie has been sleeping in her crib for about 4 weeks and she has been doing amazingly well. Of course, we have some off nights, but for the most part she only wakes one to two times. The last two nights she hasn’t been doing as well, I think her teeth are really starting to come in and she has a stuffy nose, again!! Her naps have not been as long as they were. She was napping really well about a month ago, then all of a sudden the 45 minute nap intruder came into our lives. Some days she will take a 2-3 hour nap and others it is a mix of four 45 minute naps. I really don’t worry about naps until they are only taking two naps at about 7 months or so. If I worried about them now I would go crazy with four kids. Right now I try to go with the flow, I will admit some days these short little catnaps drive me nuts.
Eat: McKenzie eats about every three hours during the day and typically has a 6-8 hour stretch at night. We plan on starting her on solids at the beginning of January when she is 6 months old. I am going to do a mix of baby led weaning and baby food purees.
Milestones: McKenzie has become a pro at rolling over. She pretty much practices it any chance she gets. She loves to roll over and lift her head to play with toys. When you walk up to her she knows you are going to pick her up. It is so cute she will be crying or complaining and then stop immediately when I go towards her, she knows I am going to pick her up. She loves to giggle, but she is a tough little cookie. It takes a lot to get McKenzie going, but once you do it is adorable. She is also starting to get ticklish and it is so cute.
McKayla Grace
11 Pounds 8 Ounces
Sleep: McKayla likes her pacifier, but she is not as attached to it as McKenzie. She prefers the Mam brand not the wubbanub; she is not as into the soothies. McKayla has just moved into her crib this week. She didn’t really well; she had been waking up twice during the night. For the first few nights I was simply experimenting and seeing how the girls did in their room together so I wasn’t waking them up together. But I have decided that they need to be woken up whenever the other one wakes to eat, otherwise I am waking up four times during the night and that is exhausting. But the good news is they don’t wake each other up with their screaming. That is a blessing. It would be very hard to attend to both by myself and I really try not to wake Steve up if I don’t have to. Like her sister, Mckayla’s naps have not been as good as the used to be, thanks to the 45 minute nap intruder.
Eat: McKayla eats about every 2-3 hours during the day and typically has a 5 hour stretch at night. Like McKenzie we plan on starting McKayla on solids at 6 months.
Milestones: McKayla is quickly perfecting her roll over. Sometimes she gets stuck on her side, but she gets better and better at it every day. She loves to smile and talk to me all day long and she is slowly learning how to giggle.
These past 5 months have been a whirlwind, but also the most amazing time in my life. As difficult as it has been having two babies it is equally as wonderful. I still can’t believe we have twins, we have two babies. This is something I never dreamed would happen to me. At first I was overwhelmed and still am, but every day I realize more and more how blessed we truly are to have McKenzie and McKayla in our lives. We are blessed to have our four beautiful daughters and I couldn’t ask for a better family. I thank God everyday for giving me my greatest blessings.
Wow, I can’t believe they are already 5 months old! They are getting so big!
I’m glad things are going well and starting to get easier. I am starting to think how life will change as I know it come February with just adding another child to our family!
I know, it is crazy. Children change everything, but for the better of course.
The twins are getting so big! So hard to believe it’s been 5 months! Mine were born on July 9th. Can’t wait to see finished craft. Such a cute idea.
I can’t believe 5 months has come and gone.
Thank you, I loved doing this craft we are definitely going to do more projects like this.