McKayla and McKenzie’s Surgery

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McKayla and McKenzie’s Surgery

Good evening everyone. As you know McKenzie and McKayla had their surgery to get their tubes in their ears and it truly went better them expected.

Our poor girls couldn’t eat for hours, but our morning went surprisingly well. We arrived at the hospital at 8am to get checked in and ready for surgery. McKayla was taken back at 9am and I was one sad Mommy. The anesthesiologist carried her back and she actually didn’t cry while leaving me, I think it all happened too fast for her to realize what was going on. But before she left she gave us all kisses including her sister. McKayla and McKenzie love giving kisses it is precious.

mimm - mckayla hospital mimm - mckayla hospital 2

Once McKayla went back for her surgery we started on the pre-op process for McKenzie. She was definitely starting to get hungry. She hadn’t nursed since 12:30am. So, she was trying to eat me. A nurse then came to tell us McKayla was out of surgery and it went well. Our doctor came to inform us that she had so much mucus in her ears it clogged her machine, oh my!! Poor girl. I feel so bad that she has been living in a fog for months. She also told us she has a double ear infection; this explains a lot.

At this time McKenzie was clingy to me like crazy so I knew I needed to be with her, but we also got told we could go be with McKayla. I really wanted to see her, but knew I need to be with McKenzie before going into surgery. So, Steve went to see McKayla I stayed with McKenzie. This was really tough on me. I wanted to be with both my girls. Now it was about 9:45am and time for McKenzie to go back and she didn’t leave as easily as her sister. McKenzie did not want to go and it broke my heart. I stood there and cried for a moment until I pulled it together and went to see McKayla.

mimm - mckenzie hospital

Once I got to McKayla she was calm, but Steve had told me she was screaming for quite some time. I felt awful I wasn’t there, but at least she was with her daddy. Once I got there I nursed her and she fell right asleep. As soon as she fell asleep I could hear McKenzie screaming on her way to our room so I passed a sleeping McKayla off to her daddy and took McKenzie I snuggled her until she calmed down enough to eat. Again, the doctor told us McKenzie had a lot of mucus in her ears as well and she has double ear infections. Of course, this makes me feel guilty for not pushing harder to get this done sooner, our poor girls were in pain for such a long time. This year has been rough for us all.

Once everyone was calm we got released from the hospital. We were in the car by 10:30am. Seriously, this was very quick, we couldn’t believe it.

As tough as this was on us, if this is all our babies have to have done we are doing pretty well. We are blessed!!

toddler - hospital collage

Once we got home they slept a lot, but didn’t have the greatest night. There was definitely something bothering them last night. Hopefully, we will have a better night tonight.

They had some great moments today, but for the most part they were still pretty clingy. We will see how these next few days go. Hopefully, they will start to feel better.

 They had fun playing with all their new toys though.

toddler - mckayla new toys

McKayla is our little climber.

toddler - mckayla climbing new toy toddler - mckayla climbing new toy 2

In the next couple weeks I have so much to share with all of you. I am going to write my birthday letters to McKenzie and McKayla, I am going to share with you my thoughts on the first year with twins, I am going to talk about weaning from breastfeeding and introducing whole milk, and so much more. These are all topics I have gotten a lot of emails and comments about and I promise these posts will be coming ASAP!!

Please feel free to either email me or leave me a comment about anything you would like my to share. I love to hear all about what all of you want me to talk about. We are here to support each other.


3 comments on “McKayla and McKenzie’s Surgery

  1. That must have been so hard. I know my parents almost got tubes in my ears when I was a baby but they just kept trying all the different medicines and found one that worked. Lately though as I have entered my 20s, I am having sinus infection problems which is no fun and sometimes wonder if my parents did get tubes put in my ears when I was little would I still be having these problems now? No idea, but hopefully my sinus problems don’t get so bad I need surgery.

  2. Orla on said:

    Hi Renee,
    So sorry that your baby girls have had to go through that surgery. Hopefully it will do the trick and their ear problems will be resolved.
    I love reading your blog. I found it when I was pregnant with my boy girl twins who are now 6 months old. They are still being exclusively breastfed and I would love to hear how you are going about weaning them onto whole milk and sippy cups!
    Best regards,

  3. I’m so glad the surgery went well! Your girls are so precious and I loved all of the pictures from their birthday party! It looked like a fun day!


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