Hello everyone. I know I usually don’t post on the weekends let alone on Saturday and Sunday. Oh my!! But, today’s post couldn’t wait. I have been constantly thinking about yesterday’s post. First, I want to say thank you to all the kind words you wrote me through comments, messages, emails, etc. They really mean the world to me. I love my readers!! However, I did receive a few negative messages and I wanted to touch upon those today. I must say I was nervous about writing yesterday’s post, but I really didn’t think it warranted negativity, but I guess that’s just what happens when you put yourself out there. Now, I only received a few, but it still got me thinking.
Why do we feel the need to put people down? Why aren’t we happy for others when they achieve something great? Why can’t we love each other and want the best for everyone? What is it that makes us look at the negative side of life? Why don’t we choose to be proud of others accomplishments? Why can’t we love one another for who they are? Why do we feel the need to provide negative comments? Why haven’t we all learned if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all? We teach our children to say kind words and treat others with respect, but why don’t we as adults follow our own rules? I am not sure where we loose that sense of love and kindness but it gets lost along the way. I think we need to make a decision today to respect everyone no matter what path they are on. Why did I write the post I wrote yesterday: I wrote it because I am proud of how far I have come in 13 months after having twins, but I mostly wrote it for those who are at a place in their life and wanting to get stronger, healthier, happier, but feel defeated and alone. I want everyone to know anything is possible if you want it bad enough. I wrote that post because when I was pregnant with twins everyone told me I will never be the same and my body is ruined. I wanted to show everyone that it is not true, you can get “your” body back.
I wrote that post for those who are pregnant and feel as though they will never feel good about themselves again. They will never have their pre-baby body again. I want all moms out there to know it is possible. Yes, pregnancy and child birth changes our bodies, but that doesn’t have to be for the worst. Why do we live in a society that thinks once we have children our lives are over? I believe that my life has just begun. I believe the best years are yet to come. Motherhood is not a destination it is a journey. My journey is only beginning. I cannot wait to show the world what I am made of. I am healthier, stronger, happier then I have ever been. Yes, I was skinny and “fit” in high school and college, but I wasn’t healthy I was battling an eating disorder. I can honestly say I am healthier, stronger, and happier now than I have ever been in my life. Yes, after having 4 children (including a set of twins) I love my body more then ever.
Loving yourself is half the battle. I have learned to accept my flaws. I have learned that I workout, eat healthy and take care of myself not because I hate my body, but because I love my body. I want to take care of the only body I have. I want to take care of myself for my daughters.
My daughters watch me workout, eat healthy, and love myself. That is all I can ask for. When they ask me why I workout I tell them to be healthy and strong. We don’t talk about our weight or our bodies in a negative way. The word fat is not allowed in our house. We only view our bodies in a positive light. My daughters love their bodies and themselves (sometimes a little too much :)). I have to remind them to put some clothes on. Haha!!
I want you to take this post and live your life happily. I don’t want you to live your life waiting for something to happen. Learn to love yourself no matter what. Don’t wait for the perfect body, the perfect house, the perfect life. Love yourself RIGHT NOW!! Let’s make a promise to learn to love ourselves for who we are TODAY not for who we are going to become!!
Renne, you are beautiful and an inspiration, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise! My 10 month post twin body is not quite where I want it to be yet but once I am done studying for my upcoming boards next month I plan to work hard just like you did to get back there! Once I get my body back I will be proud of my work just like you are!
Awe, thank you!! You have a wonderful attitude about your post baby body. You will get there.
You are a true inspiration, and it’s not just your commitment to health that inspires me. It is your commitment to living a happy life for yourself & your family. Your zest for life, your girls, your husband & family is beautiful, however it is reading about how you take care of YOU that keeps me coming back for more, as I truly believe it is only after you take good care of yourself can you be fully present with those around you, giving freely & joyfully. You are a shining example of a strong mama that sees herself & continues to work on herself. It is inspiring and it makes the posts about your girls & family so much sweeter, because I as your reader know you are speaking from a true & giving part of yourself. Let your light Shine & good for you for not letting anyone snuff it out…you’re beautiful inside and out!!!
Awe, thank you Jasmine. That means a lot. You are too sweet. I really do try to live my life for my girls and hubby. I do take time for me too, but they are my everything. You are an amazing women too.
Good for you writing this post. I’m sorry your received negative comments. Some people will/cannot be happy for others. I’m 11 PP with identical girls and I get the “you’re so small..I hate you” comments often! I laugh it off but there’s a part of me that is bothered by it. You’re brave for putting yourself out there and have such a great mindset about your health and body!! Wonderful to share, not just to fellow twin moms but every woman!!
Thank you. I agree some people just can’t be happy for others. Yes, those comments are tough!!