A lot has changed since my last post (almost a year ago). I thought I would take a minute to fill you in on all the new and exciting things this year has brought to our family.
- I became a certified Pure Barre instructor. In January of this year I went to training in Denver, began teaching in March and continue to fall more and more in love with Pure Barre. I love seeing my clients achieve things they never thought possible. I love seeing them step out of their comfort zone and find the strength to push themselves further than they ever though possible. Ever since I can remember I have loved all things health and fitness. I always dreamed about being active in this industry, but never thought I would actually have the confidence to take the leap. Every time I put the mic on I still cannot believe I get to do this day in and day out.

- Our family moved into our dream home. This was completely unplanned and unexpected. Steve and I are the least spontaneous people, yet this was one time we knew it was the right decision. I still cannot believe we actually sold and bought a new home all in the span of 3 months! We walked through the house on a whim and before we knew it we were moving in. We weren’t looking or ready to sell. We knew we eventually wanted more space, but that was in our 5-10 year plan, not our right now plan. However, we knew we found the right house for our family. The layout, the space, the yard, it was everything we had dreamt about. This house was in our same subdivision and we felt we couldn’t pass it up. I still cannot believe all of this happened so quickly. Saying goodbye to our previous home was not easy. A lot of memories took place there, 3 out of 4 of our babies were brought home to that house, a lot of firsts happened throughout eight years. Quite a few tears were shed during our last few days, but our new house quickly became our home, and new memories have been made from day one.

- This year our girls completed kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grades then started their journey through 1st, 3rd and 5th. This is the last year all four of our girls will be in one school. This may or may not have been the year Sophia told me my tears were embarrassing. I know, I know I was ugly crying, but hey I couldn’t’ help it. My babies are growing up.

- I have been macro counting for 3 years (with most of the time spent in maintenance and reverse dieting) and love the results. I love that my binges have disappeared and I am healing my relationship with food. I can’t wait to share my journey and help you have the same success. I want everyone to love themselves enough to take care of themselves. We are given one body, one life let’s make is an amazing one.

- This is the year I am bringing back my blog full time. I have been very anxious about relaunching Fit For Motherhood. Whenever, I write a post I know I am putting myself out their for criticism and haters, which is never easy. I always have the best intentions, but I know I am not going to be loved by all. However, deep down I knew I needed to start this blog again. I know there is something deep inside of me telling me I am supposed to help people. I know I have a greater purpose and I am going to do all I can to help anyone and everyone.

- I cannot wait for you to try some of my favorite recipes. I already have a wide variety of recipes to choose from and I will continue to share new ones with you. I love making delicious, healthy recipes. Click on the recipe tab at the top of the page and you will find my recipes.

- Becoming a mom is the greatest gift I have ever been given. Over 10 years ago Sophia came into my life and I was changed forever. I have become the best version of me. I have learned a lot throughout these past 10 years and love sharing my favorite mom moments with you. I have learned quite a few tips and tricks over the years and love sharing what I have learned. I am a big believer that us moms should work together to help make motherhood a little, bit easier. Motherhood can feel lonely, yet you are never alone. Here are a couple of my favorite mom life posts from the past:
- 10 Parenting Tips
- Being a Mom

Your children don’t need the perfect mom, they just need you. You trying your best. You always loving them no matter what. You are their safe place, their comfort zone.