I know there are many people making resolutions for the year, but I am not one of them. I don’t believe resolutions work. I think they set you up for failure. I do believe in making goals for the coming year. I believe in trying to better oneself and that is what I am going to do in 2014. I am going to make goals in different aspects of my life. I want to be the best me I can be.
This year I am going to work on…
1. being a better mom. I want to have more patience, be better listener, have more one-on-one time with each girl, do more crafts, go on more outings, etc.) Basically have more fun!! This is going to be the year of fun for our family. Last year really took a toll on our family (from my bed rest to McKenzie and McKayla in the NICU), but I believe we came out stronger then ever. However, this year I want our girls to have an amazing year. Sophia will also being starting kindergarten in September and I want to soak in every minute with her. I want to make sure Isabella gets the “mommy time” she deserves; being the middle child can be hard (I would know).
And of course, I want to soak up every minute with McKenzie and McKayla; they are growing up so fast and they are our last babies.
2. being a better wife. This one is very important; Steve and I have had quite the year and honestly our relationship has really been put on the back burner and I know that is wrong. So, I am pledging to put him first. I want to make sure he knows how much he means to me. I don’t know what I would so without him. I want him to know they no matter what we are always a team and I will always love him!!
3. getting organized. I think this goal is going to make me better all around. My house had really gotten disorganized since getting pregnant with the twins. I was on modified best rest, then best rest, and then McKenzie and McKayla arrived; so there had been no time to do anything. This year I plan on getting organized. I think this is going to be extremely important since Sophia will start school in September. I need to get us in order.
4. cooking one new meal each month. I was going to say each week, but that goal may not be attainable with 6 month old twins. This is a big; like I have said on all the previous ones this year has been difficult in having time to make dinners. I can’t wait to get back on track.
5. making improvements to my blog. Since having McKenzie and McKayla I have not had any time to work on my blog; my goal is to make it the best it can be. I really enjoy connecting with all of you. I love my readers; you help me feel sane every day.
6. getting back into an exercise routine. Now that McKenzie and McKayla are 6 months old I feel comfortable about putting them in the gym child center and I plan on utilizing that. Before I became pregnant with McKenzie and McKayla working out was my “me time” and I feel as though I have lost that. I also loved the feeling of being strong and I loved the power I felt after a good workout. Not going to lie part of this goal is to get my pre-twins body back. Yes, I have dropped all of my weight, but my body is definitely not the same. My abs need a lot of work, but I am going to try not to worry about that right now. I am going to focus on using fitness as an escape, as something I do for myself.
7. figuring out who I am as a mom of 4 daughters (this past year I feel as though I have lost myself; I really want to figure out who I am again). I think getting back into an exercise routine is going to help get me feel more like me again. This is where I am going to start and I will figure it out from there.
8. eating healthier. I do eat pretty healthy, but I definitely have my indulgences (especially over the holidays). I still plan on eating everything in moderation, but I hope to eat even cleaner then I do now. I know I feel my best when I eat my best.
By the end of 2014 I hope to be a better me. I hope to improve in all aspects of my life. I encourage you to do the same. Choose something anything and try to make it better. Let’s be the best we can be by the end of 2014. Join me in my journey of improvement.
In the Comments Below:
- What are your goals for the year?
- Do you make resolutions?
I think these are all great goals! I haven’t had a chance to sit down and think about any I’d like to focus on this year but was definitely shaking my head in agreement with many of yours!
I love being able to start the year off with some goals. It feels so good to want to better myself.
Love your goals!!!! Mine are very similar to yours…one different one is to go to church at least once a month. With almost 7 month old twins we have been bad about going to church. No more excuses! Happy New Year to your precious family
Thank you!! I defiantly hear you on the church thing. We have such a hard time getting out of the house and to church by 9, but we don’t have a choice Sophia is in Sunday school. I like that it makes us accountable.
I agree with you…resolutions hardly ever work and leave me feeling disappointed. However, I always set intentions, and write downs things I want to work on, reminding myself that everything will always be a work in progress. These are great goals. Happy New Year Renee! xo
Thank you Erin. I hope everything is going well with you. I think about you all the time.
Hi Renee,
I was googling TTTS and stumbled upon your blog. My cousin was pregnant with mono/di twins and had 3TS and lost both her babies (boys) at 19 weeks on New Years day. We are grieving for them, but it was healing reading a bit about your pregnancy and your beautiful babies. God bless your family.
Oh my, I am so sorry for you and your family. I can’t imagine what all of you must be going through. I will keep you in my prayers. I am glad my story could be of some help. Hugs to you and your family.
Great goals for 2014!!