Happy Friday everyone. It has been such a busy day so I thought it would be fun to do something different. A way, way back there was a post called five questions Friday and it’s back for another week. It sounds like fun, I thought I would give it a go. Click here to find out what it’s all about.

1. If I had 5 minutes alone with Mother Nature I would tell her?
Oh my what would I tell Mother Nature? I would tell her to stop this whole winter thing. I can’t take it any more. This has been an awful winter, actually the worst winter ever. I would tell her we have had enough, bring on spring and summer.
2. If you could eat only one thing for a whole week what would it be?
This is a tough one. The health nut in my says turkey and hummus. I have been loving those lately. But my sweet tooth wants me to say yogurt pretzels dipped in almond butter, YUM!!
3. What is your favorite season and why?
My top two favorite seasons are spring and summer; for obvious reasons. But if I had to choose just one I guess I would have to say summer. I love swimming and sprinklers. I love spending our days outside. I love grilling day in and day out. I love eating dinner on the deck. I love eating corn on the cob. Oh boy this makes me want summer NOW!! I can’t wait to enjoy the weather with my girls.
4. Do you have a meal that you are AMAZING at making? If so, share the recipe!
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day so I think my absolute best meal would have to by my pumpkin protein pancakes. They are seriously delicious and all of my girls love them. One morning Sophia ate FOUR!!
I would have to say my favorite dinner meal would have to be my healthier chicken parmesan. It is easy and amazing.
5. What has changed in your life since the last 5QF? (8/2/13 was the last one! Wow…over 6 months!)
If you have been reading my blog for awhile you know so much has changed since my last 5QF (5/31/13). I don’t even know where to start.
- Our girls were delivered at 33 weeks and 6 days – They were born healthy and happy.
- We are now a family of 6 and our family is complete!!
- Sophia turned 4 and Isabella turned 2.
- Sophia started preschool and it was harder on Mommy then her.
- We went on our first vacation as a family of 6 to Disney World.
If your new here and want more detail on our journey throughout our twins pregnancy you can click here.
In the Comments Below:
- Answer some of the questions; we’d love to hear your answers.
Awwwww, what an amazing way to complete your family…with TWO!! Congratulations! So glad to hear your babes were born healthy!
Thank you!! I call them my grand finale.