Whoo hoo, it’s Friday. I am so ready to relax with my family this weekend and that is exactly what we are going to do. My poor McKenzie has yet another ear infection. I feel so sorry for her. Hopefully her medicine will start working quickly and she will feel better in no time; I need some sleep.
Okay, I have been telling you for a week I would share my May fitness calendar with you, but it just hasn’t happened. I’m sorry. So, here are all the details.
First, I want to say having four kids means I truly have to plan my workouts and I have to be ready to go the night before. If I am not my workouts won’t go as smoothly and maybe won’t happen.
Since, all of these workouts are on YouTube I get the videos ready the night before; I make sure I know how much time I will need, etc.
Once I complete the workout I either cross it off or highlight it. I love seeing what my workouts getting crossed off. It makes me feel so accomplished.
BodyRock,tv 21 Day Boot Camp and Blogilates ahMayzing calendar
I love the combination of these two calendars because I am able to get a great HIIT workout in each day as well as strength training through weights, pilates, and bodyweight exercises. This may be my favorite combo ever!!
I cannot say it enough my number piece of advice is to plan, plan and plan some more. Also make sure you enjoy your workout. Seriously, that is so important. I am loving this months workout calendar and I look forward to getting up in the morning to do it. The best thing you can do for yourself is to be consistent.
In the Comments Below:
- Do you plan your workouts?
- Do you enjoy checking this off your list?
Great plan for May! You are a workout machine – awesome!! I agree with the planning. I only have one child, but I lay out the clothes the night before and get everything ready, so we can go to the gym or for a walk right after she is fed. So much easier and my brain is not 100% functioning that early
Thank you. My workout is seriously the only thing that keeps my sanity. You are so right; my brain is not always there first thing in the morning.