I thought I would take a break from all my Christmas posts, but don’t worry I will get back to it in the next few days.
Seriously, Kayla Itsine’s BBG program is no joke, but I LOVE it!! Yes, her workouts are intense, but they are over in less then 30 minutes and they hurt so good. I looked forward to waking up and working out. I have seen so many wonderful changes in my body and overall life I am not even sure where to start.
I must say the first leg day was brutal. I felt sick, but in the best way possible.
First, I love that she incorporates LISS (low intensity steady state cardio) into your weekly workout schedule. The BBG circuit days are so intense I look forward to a slower day and it gets me ready for the next intense workout. Her program is seriously perfect. I don’t have anything negative to say about it and I highly recommend it. This is not for beginners, but she does have 4 weeks of beginner workouts to get you ready for the main program and you can take the workouts at your own pace.
Halfway through these 12 weeks I began working with Quincey @iheartmacros. I felt as though I wasn’t seeing the results as quickly as I wanted. Quincey’s tweak to my macros have been amazing and beneficial. I don’t think I have ever felt better. Zero bloat, and tons of energy. I still have 6 more weeks with her and I can’t wait to see my transformation. I will talk more about that in another post. I will post another before and after picture from when I started with macro coaching.
My before and after pictures may not look drastic, but they are drastic to me. I am starting to see my muscles take shape. For so many years I have just been stuck. After having babies my body and fitness level plateaued. I am so much more confident in my own body.
I will definitely continue with BBG and I can’t wait to see where my body goes from here. At this stage in my life I look forward to taking my health an fitness to the next level.