The End of the School Year has Come and Gone 2019-2020

The End of the School Year has Come and Gone 2019-2020

With or without the pandemic the school year has still come to an end. It may not have ended in the way we had hoped, but the end has still come and gone. I am unsure how we made it to June and the school year has come to a close, but it happened right before our very eyes. Yes, I am in disbelief. Never in my wildest dreams did I think our school year would end in this way. Low and behold we made it through these past several months, homeschooling and all.

I must admit homeschooling these four girls was not so tough. They truly love to learn, the most difficult part was figuring out a routine and once we finally found our groove the year came to an end.

Honestly, I did love the extra snuggles, extra time with my girls. These are the days we can never get back, these are days we will remember forever. Not every day was perfect, but there sure was good in everyday. I did love having my girls home with me, I loved being able to focus on them, but I also missed our former life. For me it was bittersweet, we have all been a mix of emotions.

Things have seemed to settle down for us on an emotional level, whether it’s because we are officially on summer vacation or we are simply getting used to our daily routine or maybe it’s because things have slowly began to open again. Either way life is coming together and we will hold onto the memories we made forever. Over the past few months our girls have become closer than ever, they have truly learned to rely on each other more than anyone else.

The bond they have created will forever be unbreakable.

One of the more difficult things for us to accept was the way Sophia’s 5th grade year ended, so abruptly and so unexpected. Her last year of elementary school was nothing like we had anticipated, nothing like we had planned. No graduation, no class picnic, no final good-byes, no closure whatsoever.

The life lessons we have learned throughout these past few months are unforgettable and life forming. We are all learning to accept the things we cannot change and change the things we can. We have had countless conversations about trying not to focus on the things we can’t do anything about and simply focusing on the things we can change, such as our attitude and how we choose to react to the things that cross our path. We can always choose how we react to the things life throws at us but we may not always be able to choose what comes our way.

Life is all about, learning to dance in the rain.

Sophia’s Last day of 5th Grade

Isabella’s Last Day of 3rd Grade

McKayla’s Last Day of 1st Grade

McKenzie’s Last Day of 1st Grade

The growth Sophia had made from her first day of kindergarten to her last day of fifth grade is just breathtaking to me. I truly cannot look at these pictures side by side and not smile in awe of the beautiful young lady she has become inside and out.

Of all the things I will do in my life, being a mother to my daughters will always be my greatest achievement, my greatest accomplishment. My girls truly are my life, my loves, my everything.

Sisters by chance, friends by choice.

The bond between sisters is unbreakable.

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