Category: What I Ate Wednesday

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What I Ate Wednesday #2

What I Ate Wednesday #2

I cannot even begin to tell you how happy I am to be back blogging. This past week I have felt more like myself than I have in a long time. Blogging has always been a way for me to connect with others. I want everyone to live their best life. I truly want people...

WIAW # 132

WIAW # 132

Hello, hello… I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I was to spend a couple hours helping in Isabella’s class. It was such a joy to get to see my little girl in her classroom. I loved seeing her with all her friends and she loved having me with her. It is such...

WIAW # 131 – So Much Food

WIAW # 131 – So Much Food

I can’t believe Wednesday has come and gone. How is this week almost over? Since, I kept forgetting it was Wednesday I kept forgetting to take pictures of what I ate. I haven’t written a What I Ate Wednesday post in awhile and was definitely out of practice. Meal # 1 After finishing Chisel Balance...