14 Weeks Pregnant with Twins Babies are the size of lemons. They are 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces. They have almost doubled in weight since last week. It amazes me how fast they grow. They might be sucking their thumbs and wiggling their toes. I couldn’t find a 14 week picture of twins in utero. Please,...
Category: Pregnancy
13 Weeks
13 Weeks Pregnant with Twins These self portraits are so much easier, than waiting for Steve to take it. Babies are the size of a peach. The babies are about three inches long. At this stage the babies heads are about half the size of them. By the time they are born their heads will...
10 Things I am Loving/Disliking About This Pregnancy
I am so sorry this is much later then I usually post, but today has been a crazy day. 10 Things I am Loving/Disliking About this Pregnancy *I don’t like to use the word hate, so I thought dislike was fitting. 1. I love knowing that two amazing babies are growing inside of me. It...
Total Body Workout (Prenatal Adaptations if Needed)
Good morning everyone. I am still not permitted to workout. But I went through YouTube and found a great total body workout. I have added some ways you can change these workouts to fit into your prenatal exercise program if you are pregnant. I have an appointment with my doctor next Monday, I will be asking her about...