White Chocolate Candy Mix and A Check-In

I have been getting lots of emails asking for my White Chocolate Candy Mix. I have finally typed up the recipe. This is seriously so addicting. So be careful. 🙂 I love to make this and give some away. I will wrap it up in nice Christmas baggies and tie it with a ribbon. White Chocolate Candy Mix You can play around with the amount of each ingredient depending on what you and your family like. We like less M&M’s with more cereal and pretzels. Ingredients: (small recipe, perfect for our family) 11 oz White Chocolate (I have used the disks and...

Sunday Evening and a Check-in

Wow, I can’t believe it is already the end of the weekend and tomorrow is the start of a new week. 2012 Closeout Workout Challenge Check-In Since, yesterday was such a busy day I wasn’t able to do any reps so today I did double to make up for my short comings. 🙂 I did two sets of 30 jumping jacks, 20 push-ups, 20 narrow squats, and 20 regular squats. For a 9 day total of 790 reps. Shopping Day Tomorrow, Steve took the day off work, my parents are coming over to watch the girls and Steve and I...

Our Attempt to See Santa

Our Attempt to See Santa

Well, we tried, that’s all I can say. Sophia kept wanting to look at Santa then we would get close and she wanted nothing to do with him. And Isabella seemed all excited then we got close and the screaming began. So, we got a few pictures from the day. Enjoy!  

Visiting Santa Today

Happy Saturday morning everyone. Today, we are going to go have brunch with my parents and Santa will be there. We do this every year. It is truly the best way to see Santa. There is no long line and he is an amazing Santa, he has a real beard. 🙂 I will take a lot of pictures and let you know who actually sits on Santa’s lap. Today’s Workout I am taking the day off. I have worked out everyday this week, so I am going to rest this weekend. If you are still going to exercise today, good...