Good evening everyone. I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday. Since, we traveled all day Monday this week has gone by very fast and I am still digging out of all the suitcases and endless loads of laundry. Things are slowly but surely starting to come together.
One of our days while in Denver was spent at the Aquarium; this may have been my favorite day of the trip. Seriously, our girls loved it and so did I.
It began with lunch while watching the mermaids swim, yes there were “real live mermaids”. Before the trip Sophia told me there were no such thing afterwards she said well maybe just in Denver. I love my girl. She is as scientific and realistic as they come, Isabella lives in a fantasy world; it’s beautiful.
I can’t even tell you how amazing it was to see the excitement in Sophia and Isabella’s faces. They told us this was the best day EVER!! When the mermaid waved and blew a kiss at the girls Isabella jumped up and down; it truly was the sweetest moment!! I love watching the differences in my girls. Isabella is so animated, whereas Sophia is very reserved.
We saw a second mermaid show while walking through the exhibit and were able to take pictures with a mermaid. Petting stingrays ended our day at the aquarium. This day couldn’t have been better. Happiness is this right here!!
Of course we had to take a couple rides on the carousel.
After the aquarium we rested then went for a walk through the 16th Street Mall. We love holding Papa’s hand.