Two posts in one day. Really, who I am?
I am so excited to share this post with you, I couldn’t wait. I am even staying up a few minutes late, I know I am going to regret it when my babies wake up soon, but I will survive.
I seriously could cry. When I found out I was pregnant with twins I never in a million years thought I would be anywhere close to having my body back. I still have a ways to go, but at least I am on my way. After I found out I was pregnant with twins I googled twin skin, body after twins, stretch marks, etc. I thought there was going to be no hope for me to want to show my belly ever again. I thought I would be giving up my bikinis for good. I thought my body was wrecked; no joke. I guess I was wrong.
I am here to tell you it is possible. Yes, it takes dedication and hard work (5am workouts), but I feel great. So, if you are pregnant (with or without twins) know it is possible to feel good in your own body again. Yes, I still have many moments where I bash my body, get mad at myself for not working harder and having negative body image thoughts. But, then I take a step back and think to myself that I carried and gave birth to four beautiful little girls (including a set of twins). I tell myself how wonderful my body is for giving life to our daughters. My body has done much more than I could have been imagined.
Yes, my belly is not perfect and may never be, but I am okay with that or at least that is what I tell myself. Loving my body is always a work in progress. But, I have come a long way from my high school and college days.
I want you to know it is possible as long as you are consistent. Know that you are worth it!!
Wow you look amazing and give me hope! I also have 2 girls ages 5&3 and twin boys who are 3 months old. I exclusively breastfeed and was amazed at how quickly I returned to my pre pregnancy weight however I’ve lost all my muscle tone and still flabby in the belly. I’m trying to get back into working out but am having trouble with scheduling it and what programs to do. The gym isn’t an option right now as my guys are too little for daycare. Any suggestions particularly about scheduling it during the day?
Oh thank you. Your family sounds so much like ours. I hear you on the belly thing. I mean my is getting there, but trust me there is still some extra skin when I am not standing up straight.
I know what you mean about the gym, I am hoping to start up soon.
My best suggestions would be to wake up before all the kids (I didn’t start doing this until McKenzie and McKayla were 6 months and sleeping a little better) or taking the time during one of the babies naps. I usually set my big girls up with a craft or play doh; something they can do on their own while I do a workout. I tell my girls I workout to be healthy and I teach them that is important to take care of yourself.
I hope that helps.
Renee, you are stunning! It’s always wonderful to see dedication pay off. Good for you on sticking w/ it <3
Awe… thank you.
Girl, you look! I can’t imagine how hectic your days can get but its inspiring to see you pushing past that and making your health and fitness a priority. Keep up the good work, I need people to aspire to!
Thank you!! You are too sweet.
You look amazing! I am 6 months PP with my twins boys and have about 10 pounds to go. I am a runner and am slowly adding my mileage back, however the hardest part is my eating. I work full time so some days when I get home, dinner is whatever is the easiest to make. I want to start making healthier meals and the older the twins get, it seems it is getting closer to a point that night time after work will be easier. Keep up the good work!
Thank you!! I hear you on the eating part. Even though I stay at home dinner time is always difficult. It seems as though everyone needs something at the same time.
I try to make a schedule of meals at the beginning of the week, but it is never set in stone. That typically helps. The crockpot has also been my best friend.
It definitely got easier after 6 months and every day it get easier and easier.
You are such an inspiration! I have twin 4 mo old boys and always enjoy reading and relating to your posts. I’m a runner, and am down to my pre-preg weight (yay!) and feel good about my shape except for my tummy – I have diathesis recti, although I think it’s minor, I am hoping it goes away over time with some exercises I’ve been doing that are supposed to bring the abs back together. Did you ever have issues with this?
Keep up the hard work, girl!
Thank you. Congrats on your boys. It always feels fantastic to be back down to your pre-pregnancy weight; especially after having twins. I am so happy for you. I know what you mean about your tummy. My still has some loose skin, I just hope each day it gets better and better. I try to remind myself that I carried two babies at once.
I don’t have any experience with diathesis recti, but I know there are many exercises that can help and many exercises you should avoid. If you go to youtube there are a ton of videos out there. 
You look amazing! I can’t believe you gave birth to 4 daughters, including twins!! I hope in 9 months I will look as good as you do!
Thank you. Some days I can’t believe I have 4 daughters. It is crazy to think about. I am sure you will look fantastic; I wouldn’t worry.
Seeing this has made me feel so much better, i am a fitness fanatic and a former figure competitor so i am super hard on the way my body looks… I found out a month ago i was pregnant with twins and have been super scared about my body ever since. Seeing you gives me hope that i can possibly get back to where i was before i got pregnant!!
I am so glad. I know what you mean at first I was so freaked about what having twins was going to do to my body, but you will bounce back easily. Your body will know what to do. Please don’t worry, try to enjoy your pregnancy once it’s over you will be sad. Just remember your body is amazing!!
Hi Renee,
I have one question from which month you have started workout as my lo is just 2.5 months old. And my body is still recovering, eating all healthy food so the weight is stuck at last pregnancy weight. So wanna know that is it safe to start workout or I need to wait few months more.
After each of my singleton pregnancies I started working out at 6 weeks postpartum (I took it slow). However, after my twins were born my body needed more time to recover (each pregnancy is different) and I didn’t really start working out until they were about 6 months. I truly believe you need to listen to your body (and your doctor of course). I hope that helps.