6 Weeks Postpartum – Baby Video Monitor

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6 Weeks Postpartum – Baby Video Monitor

Good evening everyone. I am sorry this post is later than usual but around here things are quite crazy these days. I finally have a few minutes to sit down and write. My parents are taking Sophia and Isabella to the zoo, then having a sleepover. They are going to have so much fun and I am so excited they get to have some big girl time. Sophia and Isabella deserve it, they have truly been amazing big sisters. Sophia and Isabella have been patient, kind, and caring with the babies and with me. I cannot say enough wonderful things about my girls.

Wow, six weeks have flown by so fast. I can’t believe it has been this long since I carried my two little babies in my belly. I can’t believe we have been blessed with two babies. It has been quite the adventure.

Sleep – Well, we are still working on this part. McKenzie is sleeping very well. She is eating about every 3-5 hours at night. However, McKayla doesn’t know what to do with herself at night. She is still very gassy and uncomfortable. She usually ends up getting one 4 hour stretch closer to the morning. However, lately, I have been spending half the night holding McKayla so I can help her with her gas pains. As tired as I am I truly don’t mind holding her actually a part of me loves our time together. Throughout these last several months we never knew if we were going to get to hold our precious little girls so every time I hold them I remember how blessed we are to have them both in our lives.

My amazing mom comes over everyday to help with the girls. She really is the best mom. I pray everyday to be half the mom she is and has always been for me. For the past few days I have been napping; per my moms orders. It is the best feeling in the world. Two hours of uninterrupted sleep!!

FYI: I am in the process of researching TTTS donor/IUGR baby and sleep/behavior. Once I find anything out I will let you know.

6 Weeks Postpartum Check-In

There isn’t much to report on this week. Body wise I am still the same. My weight is hovering about 4 pounds heavier than pre-pregnancy, but that is really not a big deal. I am feeling very good about how my body has recovered from my twin pregnancy. Actually, I can’t believe how well my body bounced back after carrying two babies. Ladies, our bodies are amazing. We can do anything. Believe it!!

Tomorrow, I have my 6 weeks postpartum check-up with my OB. I am ready for him to tell me everything is great and I can get back to working out. I am not sure when I will have the energy or time, but at least I will have the go ahead. I can’t wait to get back into it.

Next week I will share with you my plan for getting back into exercising. Since, I don’t want to take the twins to the gym child center for several months I am going to have to figure out how to exercise at home and/or go to the gym when my mom or hubby are here to be with McKenzie and McKayla.

Video Baby Monitor

On to my next purchase decision. We have a video monitor that we are currently using for Sophia and Isabella, but I want an upgrade. I know Sophia is a little old to still use a monitor, but it gives me piece of mind. When the twins go into their own bedroom Sophia will no longer have a monitor. Oh my!! We have a great monitor. We have a camera in both the girls rooms and I can’t complain. However, I really want a monitor that will scan their room so I can put one camera in the twins room and move it back and forth between their two cribs. But, this is a big purchase (they are expensive) so I am carefully researching which monitor will be the best. Throughout the last four years we have had two different monitors and both have been the Summer Infant brand. I am trying to figure out if I should stay with them or switch brands. I am truly confused. Any advice would be wonderful.

Here are a few I have been researching:

Summer Infant Baby Touch Digital Monitor


Motorola Baby Digital Monitor

In the Comments Below:

  1. Any suggestions for a baby video monitor?
  2. When did you stop using a monitor for your child?

9 comments on “6 Weeks Postpartum – Baby Video Monitor

  1. We have the motorola camera and it is amazing! (although we have the 3.5 inch one that can pan and tilt) I would highly recommend it. The video quality is perfect. We have one over each of the babies cribs which is a bit overkill since the boys could share one but oh well.

    We havent used them yet because the babies are still in our room but we tested them out a lot before they were born and we loved them. One of my good friends had both of the ones you are looking at, the summer infant with her now 2 year old and the motorola with her now 6 month old. And she said hands down the motorola wins.

    As for the length we will use them, probably until they are out of cribs at least. I totally get the peace of mind thing! Plus if you have them why not use them?

    Congrats on 6 weeks!!

    Oh and I am interested to hear about the ttts donor and sleep patterns!

    • Thank you, Kate. It is so difficult deciding what is the best one and these are so pricey, I want to get the right one. It sounds like the Motorola is a great one.

      I love being able to see my girls I might even get a camera for Sophia’s room and she is four. I can’t imagine not being able to simply check on her from my bed.

  2. So happy to hear all is well at your home. We have the motorola monitor with two cameras and LOVE it! I actually got the Summer monitor first as I was having a hard time trying to decide bt the two and I didn’t like it. Got the Motorola and I think it’s so much better. Has a bigger screen, much more user friendly, good picture, etc. That’s what I recommend 🙂 Let us know what you decide to get!

  3. I’m sure you’re lack of sleep is rough. I think these last few weeks of pregnancy are preparing me for sleep deprivation:) You are so lucky to have your mom close. My mom is planning on coming to stay with us to help with my 2 yr. old and with whatever we need for the girls. I don’t even know what I need from her at this point though!!
    I hope you get good news from the doc about working out again. I know I’m looking forward to that as well but assume taking care of 3 kids will be just enough for the time being. I’m not much of a gym rat so I usually just jog/walk and for strength I LOVE Jillian Michaels. After my son I used her 30 day shred DVD and really saw a huge difference in my body. That combined with just a few walks a week was more than enough. 30 Day Shred is 25 min. long and combines strength, cardio and abs. I also used her 6 week 6-pack. In my opinion you can’t go wrong with her. I never even did the entire video most days and still saw a change in my body. I’m sure you’ll figure out to balance it all.

    • The last weeks definitely prepare you, but it’s funny because how difficult sleep was at the end of pregnancy newborn twins definitely top it. 🙂 I am so glad your mom is coming to help, it makes all the difference. You will be able to relax more and feel better quicker with her help. You will figure out what you need and some days it might simply be just having her there. Moms are amazing!!

      I am going to look into those DVDs and you are right any of Jillian’s DVDs are going to be great. Thank you!! I am hoping the twins start sleeping better so I can wake up early and workout before any of the girls are awake. That is my initial plan. 🙂

  4. Don’t apologize! You have four beautiful healthy children to take care of!! You are such a blessed mama! I love my summer infant baby monitor!!!
    Glad you all are adjusting so well!
    <3 Sam

  5. Lauren on said:

    We have the Summer Infant monitor and although I like it, I definitely would not buy another one because their customer service was horrible! Our first one didn’t work right out of the box and we ended up having to pay a lot more money to get another one even though the first one should’ve been under warranty. Worst customer service experience I’ve ever had. Definitely go with the Motorola. I have friends that love it!
