26 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

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26 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

26 weekss

Babies are the size of heads of lettuce. They weigh about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and are about 13.6 to 14.8 inches long. They are developing their sense, features, and talents. Their eyes are beginning to form and will start to open soon. Their immune systems are beginning to develop and get ready for the outside world. They are taking practice breaths (we have seem this on the ultrasounds).

index (4)

How far along? 26 weeks

Weight Gain? At the doctor’s on Monday I was up 26 pounds. Which she said is right on track.

Workouts? At this moment in my pregnancy we simply have to worry about making it week by week. So, I have been told no exercising. It is difficult, but at most it will be 10 more weeks. I know I can do anything for our twins.

Symptoms? Braxton hicks and back pain like crazy. My back has been killing me.

Stretch Marks? Not yet, but I have been using my lotion.

Sleep? It takes me along time to fall asleep, but once I am asleep I am sleeping well.

Movement? Oh yes, lots of kicks and jabs.

Milestone: We know we only have about 10 more weeks and we will get to meet our girls. I am praying we make it that long.

Genders? Identical twin girls.

Labor signs? Contractions.

Belly button in or out? Out.

What I am looking forward to this week? Mother’s Day!! My hubby and girls always make me feel extra special this weekend. I know they love me everyday, but it is fun to have a special day just for us moms. 🙂

Happenings from this past week:

  1. At our ultrasound this week Baby B’s fluid level has dropped a little. She still has polyhydramnios (high fluid), but at least her fluid is going in the right direction. Baby A’s fluid has actually gone up which is wonderful news.
  2. On Monday I had my glucose test. My doctor called yesterday and informed me I didn’t not pass. The cut off line is 140 and I was 148. So, I have to go and have the 3 hr glucose tolerance test at the hospital on Monday. I never had this problem with the girls. My doctor told me it is more common with a twin pregnancy. I serious don’t know what else we have to deal with. I am so ready to have healthy twins. I can’t take all this stress any more. Oh the blood test also showed I am anemic. YAY! Wow, we are getting it good.
  3. I can’t wait for Monday to get here, I just want to get this glucose test over with. I want to know the results and move on. Hopefully, it is nothing. My doctor said I am definitely not someone she thought would ever been considered for gestational diabetes.


 In the comments below:

  1. Did any of you fail your 1 hour glucose test? If so, were you diagnosed with gestational diabetes after the 3 hour? What happened the remainder of your pregnancy?

18 comments on “26 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

  1. Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries on said:

    I’ve heard of lots of healthy women that don’t pass the first test and pass the second one with flying colors. I wouldn’t worry about it at all! Just enjoy your weekend and Mother’s Day with your family. 🙂

    • Oh good. I just never thought this would be me.

      Thank you Ashley, you too!! Your first Mother’s Day is always one to remember.

  2. Beth Sheridan (sugarcoatedsheridans.com) on said:

    I have heard the same thing so I really wouldn’t worry to much with it either. I’m so excited to hear that the babies fluid levels are better though! That’s great news…I’m sure these last 10 weeks will FLY by 🙂

    • I hope I fall right into that category. I can’t take anything else.

      Yes, their fluid levels were great news!! Thank you. I can’t believe we are already done to the last stretch. With both the girls birthday’s in June it sure is going to go fast.

  3. Kate on said:

    I didn’t pass my 1 hour either! But I only missed by a few points like you. I passed the 3 hour easily though! I wouldn’t worry too much about it. It sucks to be there for 3 hours, but I think you will be fine! And that’s great about their fluid levels!

    • I hope mine turns out just like you. I was seriously stunned when I got the phone. We will continue to pray. Thank you so much for making me feel better. 🙂

  4. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    You’re so cute!
    I don’t remember having the initial 1 hour test but if I did I failed because I do remember a much longer 3 hour test. That included having to fast and drink a very yucky liquid. Blah! I’m sure you’ll pass 🙂

    • Thank you. I seriously don’t feel cute anymore. I keep trying, but I refuse to buy anymore maternity clothes. 🙂

      Yes, my doctor told me to bring something to eat right afterward because I shouldn’t drive right away. Scary. huh? Fasting for 12 hours is not something a pregnant women should have to do. HAHA!!

  5. Rhonda Goffinet on said:

    Today my daughter is 34 weeks pregnant with twin girls, so y’all are exactly 8 weeks apart. She failed her first test but passed her second test easily. We have been praying for a healthy outcome for your girls. If you want, you can find my daughter’s blog at themclife.blogspot.com

    Good luck Monday.

  6. Erin on said:


  7. Alicia F. @ http://blessedandblissful.wordpress.com on said:

    Hang in there hun! <3 You're almost there!! I agree, you look GREAT!!
    Hope you have a GREAT Mother's Day!

  8. Julie on said:

    Hi I have been following your blog for a while now. I am 26 weeks pregnant with boy girl twins. I am a first time mom, so all the changes that happen can be kind of scary. We did IVF to get pregnant and then I had a huge sub chorionic hemorrhage at almost 13 weeks, so it’s definitely been a bumpy road. I’ve been on a modified bed rest since 13 weeks, and I love being active and running and riding my horses, so it’s been tough but totally worth it. I bet every day you had to take it easy was worth it once you got to see those little girls faces! My question to you is did you have lots of tightening around this time with your twins? Like sometimes every few minutes for hours? My doctor doesn’t seem concerned but it seems scary to me. How did you know the difference between the tightening and contractions? I’ve had little to no pain with the tightening so they tell me not to worry. Anyways thanks for writing a blog to help out other twin moms along the way 🙂 if you hAve time, it would be nice to hear more about your symptoms since I don’t know anyone that has had twins. Thanks 🙂

    • Hi Julie- Congratulations, on your pregnancy. I am so sorry you have had such a bumpy road; I know how difficult that is on you. Yes, once I saw my girls I knew everything was worth it.

      Yes, I had a ton of tightening pretty much from 20 weeks on. It was much different then both of my singleton pregnancies. I seriously felt as though I had contracts all day long. I did end up dilating at about 32 weeks and was given steroid shots and had to stay in the hospital for a night to stop the contracts. I was to able to then make it to 33 weeks 6 days. Since, I had tons of contractions I didn’t even know I was in labor until my water broke. My advice to you would be to drink a ton of water and try your best to stay off your feet. Take care of yourself and everything will be okay. 🙂 Please keep me updated and let me know if you need anything at all. xoxo

  9. Lakshmi Vijay on said:

    Hi Renee l find comfort in reading ur blog dear.Like the previous entry, I am also Ivf with boy girl twin at 26 weeks. Had to deal with huge sch bleeds through the 1st trimester. But God has kept the babies safe. Right now I feel so tight towards the evening and some bhicks towards the evening. Its great to know that its normal with twins and that there others who has walked the path before

    • Thank you. I am so glad I am helping your through your twin pregnancy; I know it is not easy. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers you are doing wonderful!!