18 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

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I am sorry my belly picture simply isn’t going to happen this week. I hope you understand and I will continue taking pictures in the coming weeks. Thank you. 🙂

Babies are the size of sweet potatoes. Our girls are about 5.6 inches long and 6.7 ounces. It hurts to write about the babies right now so that is all I am going to say for this week. I am sorry. Another week with a picture of just one baby in utero. I am sorry, but there really is no website out there that does week by week for twins.

Baby, fetus at 18 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along? 18 weeks

Weight Gain? 12 pounds so far.

Workouts? Pilates and yoga. Since, the appointment Monday and until further notice I will not be able to do any form of exercise.

Symptoms? Not very hungry lately. I don’t know if it is the stage of pregnancy or everything else going on right now.

Stretch Marks? None yet. I am still doing my lotion 2-3 times a day, drinking a lot of water and taking omega-3’s. I have read these all help with stretch marks.

Sleep? I have been exhausted but haven’t been able to sleep; too much on my mind.

Movement? Baby Girl B (the baby closest to my ribs) kicks and moves a lot. We saw that on the ultrasound as well.

Genders? Two little girls. We are so excited. Having four girls is going to be so much fun.

What I miss: Right now I just want everything to be okay. I miss not worrying all the time.

Food cravings? Protein and salads.

Food aversions? Not too much these days.

Labor signs? A few braxton hicks contractions. The doctors say not to worry about those.

Belly button in or out? In.

What I am looking forward to this week? Going to Philadelphia to see the specialists on twin-to-twin transfusion. I am ready to get some answers and help our girls. This waiting period is awful.

Random Thoughts from this Past Week:

  1. To be honest I just keep thinking why us? Why is this happening to our girls?
  2. I love my girls; all four of them.
  3. I will do anything for my family.
  4. We have amazing family and friends.
  5. I am not sure how I am going to not be with my girls for 10 days or more. I seriously am having anxiety over leaving. I am not worried about them being well taken care of I am just going to miss them like crazy and I hope our girls are okay without me. We are seriously together all the time.
  6. We thought our biggest concern was whether or not I was going to have to be on bed rest. We never thought that TTTS would happen to our girls. I guess you just never think these things happen to you. But was are going to fight for these little girls and I hope they are ready to put up a fight themselves. 🙂

One comment on “18 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

  1. Beth Sheridan (sugarcoatedsheridans.com on said:

    Renee I just happened to stumble across your blog and I just read the last three posts with my mouth wide open. I am so sorry that you all are having to deal with TTTS and I can’t imagine the massive amount of overwhelming feelings that you are having to handle. Please know that I will be praying for you, Steve, and ALL your girls.