16 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

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16 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

16 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Wow, I am sorry the picture is so bad this week. I will try to take another one today. I seriously can’t get over how much my belly has grown in the past several weeks. I am going to do a side by side of week 12’s belly photo and today’s photo.

16 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Babies are the size of avocados. They are about 4 1/2 inches long and 3 1/2 ounces. The babies will have growth spurts in the next few weeks. They will double in weight and add inches to their height. This is so exciting.

There is finally a picture of twins in utero for this week. This picture depicts fraternal twins and ours are identical, but at least we have two babies. 🙂 On the ultrasound last week, our babies heads were right next to each other; it was so sweet. This is such a special time for all of us and I am so thankful to be able to share it with all of you.

Twin babies, fetuses at 16 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along? 16 weeks

Maternity Clothes? Maternity pants are still big but much more comfortable  So, I have been wearing those this week. I have a lot of pre-pregnancy tunics I have been wearing.

Weight Gain? I did not weigh myself again this week. We will find out in a week and a half and that is good enough for me. But I can tell you my belly is sure growing. 🙂

Workouts? Pilates, pilates, pilates, and a little yoga. I have also been stretching a lot and making sure to do cat and cow pose. I want these babies head down. 🙂

Symptoms? Tired, but not as bad as it used to be. I am starting to feeling some braxton hicks contractions, but everyone says with twins it is normal.

Stretch Marks? None yet. I am doing my lotion 2-3 times a day, drinking a lot of water and taking omega-3’s. I have read these all help with stretch marks.

Sleep? I have been sleeping really well this week.

Movement? They have been moving like crazy, especially Baby B (that is the baby closer to my ribs).

Genders? One and a half weeks. Oh my, I can’t wait. Either two boys or two girls.

What I miss: Still the same as before.  Intense exercise, but at least now I get to do some pilates and yoga. I am slowly wanting to eat normal again. I am finally feeling like cooking I even made a chicken Thai dinner the other nigh. I am still quite tired all the time. I think this is going to be like this for the next six months.

Food cravings? Not much. But I have been wanting Thai food more lately.

Food aversions? Not too much these days, but I am not very into sweets these day. Which is not like me.

Labor signs? A few braxton hicks contractions. My doctor said with twins it is completely normal to feel them this early.

Belly button in or out? In.

What I am looking forward to this week? Truly, another relaxing weekend. I know I keep saying that, but I just love family time.

Things that Happened this past week: Braxton Hicks contractions started. I can’t believe how early these started this time around. But, according to all the experts and other moms who have had twins it is completely normal. This just makes me realize even more how different this pregnancy is going to be and has been from my singleton ones. It is also much more scary for Steve and me. We worry about every little twinge and pain, I don’t know how I am going to last the next several months. The best part is once I hit 17 weeks I will start having ultrasounds at least every 3 weeks. At least I will get to see what is going on with the babies quite often. 🙂

2 comments on “16 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

  1. Jen@HealthyFoodandFamily on said:

    How exciting! I love following along when a blogger is pregnant, makes me remember all 3 of my own pregnancies 🙂

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