14 Weeks

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14 Weeks

14 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

13 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
14 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Babies are the size of lemons. They are 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces. They have almost doubled in weight since last week. It amazes me how fast they grow. They might be sucking their thumbs and wiggling their toes.

I couldn’t find a 14 week picture of twins in utero. Please, imagine I have two of these little babies in my belly. 🙂 It is still hard to believe.

Baby, fetus at 14 weeks - BabyCenter

How far along? 14 weeks

Maternity Clothes? This past week I have not attempted regular or maternity jeans. I have simply worn leggings. So, I don’t really know. I have not been wearing maternity tops yet.

Weight Gain? 6 pounds

Workouts? None, this week. I finally have the okay to do mild yoga or pilates. But that is it. So, I think I am going to start doing some floor pilates this week.

Symptoms? Totally exhausted and I have gotten sick a few times this past week. Please let this nausea pass soon. I can’t take it much longer.

Stretch Marks? None yet. Let’s pray it stays that way. I am not counting on it though. :/

Sleep? I have been sleeping great, but still exhausted.

Movement? I really feel like I might have felt a few flutters the other night, but I am not sure. My doctor told me with twins I should be feeling something soon. So excited to feel these babies move.

Genders? We have our ultrasound scheduled on March 11th for our anatomy scan, which is when we will find out the genders and twin type. We will also meet with a perinatologist/Maternal Fetal Specialist.

What I miss: Still the same as before.  Intense exercise. Wanting to eat. Wanting to cook. Not being exhausted all the time. I think this is going to be the next six months.

Food cravings? Not much. Food still doesn’t sound great to me.

Food aversions? Chicken. Who knows?

Labor signs? None.

Belly button in or out? In.

What I am looking forward to this week? Another relaxing weekend. We have nothing planned again. I love that. 🙂

Milestones? 2nd trimester – For sure this time!

Things I Wish I Did: I wish I wrote down more about my first two pregnancies. I never jotted down symptoms or took weekly pictures. At the time I thought I would never want to look at me  huge and pregnant, but I was wrong. So, if any of you are pregnant write things down you won’t want to forget this amazing time in your life and it goes by quickly.

2 comments on “14 Weeks

  1. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    I love this idea of sharing your thoughts, symptoms and feelings as you go along. I used a pregnancy journal but would forget to fill it out. Blogging it is a great way to keep up on it while sharing with others! You look great by the way!

    • Thank you. I have seen it on a few other blogs and loved it as well. Then, I decided to make it my own! The pregnancy journal would be great too. But, the blog makes me accountable. That way I won’t miss a week. 🙂 Thank you, I am finally starting to feel better. Today was definitely one of my best days yet. Hopefully, this second trimester is magical because I heard the third is rough in twin pregnancies. Oh my!