32 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

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32 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

32 weeks

Babies are the size of squash. They weigh about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and are about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. They will gain a 1/3 to 1/2 their birth weight in the coming weeks. They will be fattening up for survival outside the womb. Their skin is becoming soft and smooth as the plump up for delivery.

This is a picture of fratneral twins in utero, but at least it is twins. The main differences with mono/di twins, like our girls, is they have less of a divide between them and share one placenta.


How far along? 32 weeks

Weight Gain? 29 pounds.

Workouts? I have not been doing much of anything this past week. I have still been doing my cat and cow and some yoga moves because it feels so good on my aching back. My body is sore and it is starting to hurt. Baby B is laying sideways under my ribs. Not very comfortable. I am much more comfortable when she is head down next to her sister.

Symptoms? I have been having all the same symptoms. My back has been hurting me even more lately and I have been nauseas.

Stretch Marks? Not yet! But I can’t wait to tell you about these new prenatal vitamins I found online. They are called Joli Mere. I read through all the ingredients and decided they sound wonderful. The science behind the vitamins is really what sold me on them. I did ask my doctor, just to be safe, and she said they sound great and I can begin taking them ASAP. Joli Mere kindly offered to send me a month supply to take. I am so excited, rumor has it that when you are carrying twins stretch marks tend to emerge in the last few weeks before delivery. I will be taking these religiously for the next 3 weeks and throughout breastfeeding. The combination of vitamins in these daily packs are wonderful for your hair, nails, and skin as well. I will most likely never stop taking them. 🙂

They came in this adorable box.

Joli Mere Prenatal Vitamins

They are separated into individual packets for each day.

Joli Mere Prenatal Vitamins packets

Joli Mere Prenatal Vitamins packets single

I have still been using my lotion, oil, and drinking tons of water.

Sleep? This week I have been sleeping much better. I think my mind has finally slowed down a little bit. I still have a lot to do in the next coming weeks, but at least I can sleep.

Movement? They have slowed down greatly, but I can still feel them kicking. Oh and lots of hiccups, from all sides.

Milestone: 32 weeks! This is huge. All the doctors say this is a great week to make it to and we did. This also means our twins will be born in 2-3 weeks. Oh my!

Genders? Identical twin girls.

Labor signs? This week the contractions and pressure have really picked up. I hope it is not starting too soon. The last thing I want it to go in preterm labor before the doctors want me too. I only want these twins born early if it is better for them.

Well this morning I found out I am dilated to a 2. I did not want this happening so soon. My doctor decided to have me get the steroid shot today and I will get the second one tomorrow. She wants to make sure we get them in, no matter what. I am so praying that I make it to July. It is just too soon for them to come. I was totally shocked to find out I am dilated I truly did not expect this.

Belly button in or out? Out.

What I am looking forward to this week? The girls birthday party on Saturday. Since Sophia and Isabella’s birthdays are only 2 weeks apart we always do a joint party. This year we are doing a Tinkerbell and Periwinkle party. Sophia changed her mind after the invitations were sent. 🙂

She actually decided on this theme because Tinkerbell and Periwinkle are sisters and she thought it would be perfect since her and Bella are sisters. How can I argue with that. 🙂 Sophia is so excited and Bella acts excited but I don’t think she really understands. I will definitely be posting pictures on Monday.

Truly back in March when we went to Philly I didn’t think I was going to make it to the girls party. I thought either I would be on bed rest in the hospital or I we would have twins and the would be in the NICU. I mean I have no idea, but I am so thankful and blessed to be able to enjoy my girls this weekend.

Happenings/Thoughts from this past week:

  1. We have started having our twice a week non-stress test (NST) on top of our weekly ultrasounds and weekly doctors appointments. Oh my! But really it makes me feel so much better because I know our twins are getting checked on twice a week. What more could I ask for. I really like we are in a good place. I keep praying that maybe a miracle with happen and they won’t need the NICU. I know all the doctors say they will, but a girls can dream.
  2. I am dilated to a 2. As a mom this makes me feel awful. I just wish I could make it a couple more weeks. I never wanted these babies to be born because I went into preterm labor. I want them to have to come out because it is best for them. I am having a sad Mommy day. I try to think back and wish I didn’t so much on some days.
  3. Now that I have all these appointments I feel like my weeks are flying by even faster. I have all of a sudden became so much busier. I know my girls are missing me, so I need to make sure to spend as much time as I can with them. This week Sophia said, “When the babies come I am going to have to share you with them and that makes me sad”. That truly broke my heart. I told her that we will still make time for Mommy and Sophia.
  4. We met with the head doctor of the NICU and she was very reassuring, but really didn’t tell us anything we haven’t already heard. She said we are at a good gestational week to deliver and most likely the twins will do great. In my dream world I was hoping she would tell us they probably won’t need much and will come home in no time. But of course she could say that.
  5. I have decided that for the hospital I am going to order a pair of comfy pants and a zip up hooded sweatshirt  from Victoria’s Secret to go with a nursing tank. That way after the babies are born I can walk to the NICU in comfy clothes and not be in pajamas.
  6. I am still working on the girls bags. I am beginning to put those together and I have started packing my hospital bag too. Wow, so much to do.
  7. Sophia is excited for the twins to arrive and I will feel awful when they are in the NICU and she can’t see them. I truly pray it is not for long. Their sisters want to see them.


 In the comments below:

  1. If you have had a baby were you dilated for a little while? If so how long?
  2. Any encouraging words are always welcome.

13 comments on “32 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

  1. Rachel on said:

    Praying for you and your twins! I’m in a similar boat as you…I’m pregnant with twin boys and have 2 daughters (ages 4 &2) and am hoping to make it to 38 weeks, but we’ll see what God has! It’s been great to follow your blog and see where I’m going to be in rhe near future as well. PS – love the oatmeal protein pancake recipe!!

    • Yes, we are both going to be very busy. 🙂 I am so glad that enjoy reading my blog!! I wish you an amazing rest of your pregnancy.
      Thank you. I love those pancakes too!!

  2. Beth Sheridan (sugarcoatedsheridans.com) on said:

    Those are a ton of vitamins but I would definitely be taking them too! You are going to be so excited when you finally get to hold those baby girls 🙂

  3. Constance on said:

    I have read you’re blog for some time now and I just couldn’t help but answer #1.
    I am currently only 10 weeks pregnant with my 2nd.
    But with my 1st pregnancy, my daughter, I was dialated at a 1 for weeks 34-37 and then at a 2 to 3 for weeks 37-39. She was born perfectly healthy at 39 weeks. I’ve always been a small thing, only 5’2 and about 110lbs before pregnancy, so I waddled quite horridly for about a month.
    Of course this was only with a singleton and I cannot begin to compare it to twins but I hope those girls stay in that oven cooking for as long as they can.
    Good luck! And best wishes!

    • Thank you so much for reading my blog. 🙂
      That is all wonderful news. I am still hoping and praying to make it a couple more weeks. We will see. July is still my goal!!

  4. Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries on said:

    I wouldn’t worry too much about the dilation. Especially since it’s your third pregnancy, often times women will dilate sooner with their second and third pregnancies and just stay dilated at the same measurement for weeks. Try not to worry! 🙂 Thinking of you and praying for you!

    • Thank you. I am still being hopeful that we can make it another 8-10 days. I really want to get to 34 weeks. 🙂

  5. Julie on said:

    It sounds like you’re doing a great job with those babies! Making it to 32 weeks is definitely a milestone! I had my twins (di/di) 12 weeks ago via c-section, at 35 weeks (they were measuring on the smaller side) they ended up weighing 4.1 and 4.3 and only spent 5 &6 days in the NICU which my husband and I were not expecting. They told us to expect about a two week stay, so we were pleasantly surprised! The doctors told us that they always tell you they will stay longer in the NICU just to be on the safe side, but normally get discharged earlier. Stay strong momma, these babies will be home in your arms with their sisters before you know it!

    • Thank you. That is such wonderful news about your babies. I am so glad they didn’t need much time in the NICU. It must have been amazing to bring them home sooner than expected. I will pray we have the same outcome. 🙂

  6. How r ur lil girls doing 🙂 i am 20 weeks along with a little girl too. I have been meaning to order JoliMere prenatals, but I wanted to know if the iron is packaged in a separate pill, that I could skip eating. I dont want to consume any iron. Unfortunately, their website doesn’t have a number. They just have an email address and I have written to them twice with no response 🙁 did these pills help u avoid strech marks?

    • They are doing so well. I can’t believe how big they are getting. Congratulations on your little girl. 🙂 I know there are a ton of different pills in the package I am not sure how they are divided. I didn’t get stretch marks, but I can’t solely say it was from the vitamins. I do think they helped. 🙂

  7. alejandra on said:

    hi rennee, i know its been a long time, but i was wondering about this vitamins, i am 32 weeks pregnant with twin boys and have no stretch marks yet and hopefully not att the end.. are they really safe?

    • I brought the ingredient list into my OB and she said the we safe. If you are unsure just check with your doctor. I did not get any stretch marks, but I can’t say it was simply from the vitamins. I did take them daily though. 🙂

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