These next few weeks I will be sharing what a day of eating looks like for me on the 21 Day Fix Extreme eating plan.
I am following the 1,500-1,799 calorie category.
4 Green Containers (Veggies)
3 Purple Containers (Fruit)
4 Red Containers (Protein)
3 Yellow Containers (Starches + Carbs)
1 Blue (healthy fats; cheese, nuts, hummus, avocado, coconut, etc.)
1 Orange (dressings + seeds)
4 tsp. (nut butters)
21 Day Fix Food – Week 1:

Egg whites are one of my favorite ways to get a lot of protein in with a very little calories. You can have 8 egg whites for one serving of protein on the 21 Day Fix eating plan and I typically only have about 4 at one time. One thing I learned is don’t feel as though you have to eat an entire serving in one sitting, you can easily split it up. 1/2 red
I love the amount of fruit you are encouraged to eat, this really helps when I want something sweet.
Pumpkin Protein Pancakes – as you know this is one of my favorite recipes and it easily fits into the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan. 1.5 red, 1 yellow
Carrots, hummus, and turkeys are my go to snack when I am in the mood for some crunchy. 1 green 1 blue 1/5 red
Paleo Crockpot Cashew Chicken – Another delicious recipe that I can easily enjoy while eating clean. 1 red 1 tsp.
Beef tacos with lots of lettuce and a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese on half a low carb tortilla (La Tortilla Factory). 1 red 1 yellow 1/2 green
How wonderful it is to be in love with salads again. I used to have one everyday and somehow got away from making them. I have been cutting lettuce up a couple times a week so making a salad is easy.
Creamy Salsa Chicken – another favorite recipe of ours that fits right into the plan. 1 red
1 tsp. almond butter – I love having a tsp. of almond butter when I am in the mood for a sweet treat. These past couple of days I like to end my day with a little almond butter.
I love having a plan for my eating. I feel as though I workout hard and should keep my nutrition in check. This plan is perfect for me to get back on track. I am excited to see where it takes me. One of the best parts for me is that I am now eating about 40-50 more grams of protein than before. That is AMAZING!!
Thank you Jenn for hosting What I Ate Wednesday.
In the Comments Below:
- Do you like to follow an exact eating plan or are you someone who prefers to eat as you go?
- What is your go to when you are craving something sweet?