I think I need to start drinking coffee. Yes, I said it. Anyone who has been reading my blog for awhile knows I don’t drink anything with caffeine in it on a regular basis. Yes, there are those occasional situations where I may have a Starbucks, caramel macchiato, but that’s about it. I must say right now I feel as though I am dragging. I have been exhausted this week even though we have been sleeping pretty well. I am not sure what is going on. Actually, maybe it’s simply the fact that I have four little ones, yes I think that may be the answer. Ha!! I must tell you my biggest reservation about drinking coffee isn’t the coffee itself it’s the fact that I only like it all jazzed up and I don’t want to use all the “fake” coffee creamers everyday. I have found a ton of healthy options to put in my coffee on pinterest. One of these days I am going to give those a try.
Anyway, it’s Wednesday so it’s time to talk about what I have been eating lately.
Post-Workout 6:15am
Peanut Butter Protein Shake – Our mornings are much smoother when I eat or drink something before the girls wake up. This way I don’t have to try to feed myself and them before getting out the door.
Breakfast 8:30am
Once, we got back from the bus stop I made us some Greek Yogurt Waffles and turkey sausage. McKayla and McKenzie love sausage, no seriously they ate so much of it and kept saying, “mo, mo” (more).
I’m sorry my picture taking pretty much didn’t happen this afternoon; McKenzie and McKayla were very cranky (they haven’t been feeling well).
Lunch 11:30am
I made one of my favorites; a poached egg on an English muffin paired with a few sweet potato tortilla chips, these are addicting. I almost always count out my chips before eating.
Snack 12:30pm
My mom made a batch a Ghirardelli brownies and brought some to us last night so I had one of those. The perfect little mid-day treat.
Snack 3:00pm
I was hungry again so I ate some turkey, carrots, and hummus. A great afternoon snack. This way I don’t mindlessly munch on junk.
Dinner 6:00pm
Steve had lunch at Buddies Pizza with his dad so we had leftover pizza for dinner and it was delicious. I must say Buddies is probably my favorite pizza.
Dessert 6:30pm
Steve, surprised me with one of my favorite sweet treats, a caramel and m&m covered marshmallow from the Rocky Chocolate Mountain Factory.
In the Comments Below:
- What was your favorite thing you ate this week?
- What are some helpful things you do to make your mornings run smoothly?
- Any suggestions for healthy ways to make coffee taste better?
For a little caffine boost, you should try Advocare spark. Check it out on Becky’s blog olivesnwine.com. she sent me a sample a couple weeks ago and there is no sugar added to it and tasted just like the flavor. I just bought some fruit punch. Like you, I dont drink coffee, mostly because I dont like it but sometimes i find myself yawning all day long which I really think is because I sit in an office all day. I am always more energized after work at the gym, but anyway the spark is good from time to time to get you through the day.
Thank you Alicia I will definitely look into that.
I don’t know how you don’t drink coffee! I probably drink waaaaaay too much in a day!!
Most days I don’t know how I do it, but somehow we all survive. You are too funny!!