Hi everyone, this is going to be short and sweet tonight; I am not feeling well but I still wanted to post. Isabella got a cold yesterday and has passed it to McKayla and myself. The congestion in my head, sore throat, and runny nose are terrible. Who gets sick in the summer? We do!! I seriously need to disinfect my house once again. So, when I am feeling better that is my plan. I can’t take all this sickness. Anyway, since it is Wednesday I am going to be linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday.

Breakfast 7:30am
After working out and getting the girls up we had pumpkin protein pancakes and sausage. I don’t know why I don’t make sausage more often. I notice on days I add a meat to my breakfast I am satisfied for much longer.
Lunch 11am
I had some leftover chicken and rice. Steve grilled up some amazing marinated chicken on Sunday so I ate the rest today. He is the absolute best at grilling. His meat always turns out perfect, never dry. Delicious.
Snack 4pm
As an afternoon snack I had some fruit along with almond butter and yogurt covered pretzels. Let me tell you a little secret. If you aren’t getting the results you want you don’t have to cut out all the food you love simply cut back on your portion size. Awhile back I was eating 8 yogurt covered pretzels (which is what a serving size is according to the package) with 1 tablespoon almond butter. Well, I started to evaluate my food and decided it would be better for me and my goals to cut back to 4 pretzels and 1/2 tablespoon of almond butter; both equally satisfying. This way I don’t feel deprived, but I also don’t have to kill my healthy eating plan. That’s a win-win in my book.
Dinner 6pm
Steve was out of town once again so my dad brought us over dinner from The Union Woodshop. It is a popular BBQ restaurant in downtown Clarkston. I had a plain grilled chicken sandwich with a few fries (everything in moderation). I am very picky about my fries, but their fries are always worth the splurge. I am sorry I didn’t take a picture. I know boring, but dinner is so busy around here I always forget and usually end up remembering after my plate is empty. Tonight was no different.
Snack 8pm
I simply had an apple. Since, I ate a large dinner I wasn’t in the mood for anything major, but I still wanted something sweet.
Breastfeeding update: I have been getting a lot of emails and messages asking about how the weaning process is going, so I thought I would share my thoughts.
Well, we are still down to two breastfeeding sessions a day and I am having trouble dropping another one. I am just not sure I am emotionally ready. I am so very sad about never breastfeeding my babies again. Wow, saying that out loud is really heart wrenching. Breastfeeding means a lot to me. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love that special bonding time with each of my girls. Breastfeeding is so much more then just feeding my girls. Breastfeeding was my snuggle time, it was my special time with teach of them. It was the one thing only I could provide for my girls. I cannot even begin to tell you how difficult it is going to be for me when I nurse for the last time. It is going to be a moment I will never forget. I am not sure when that time will come, but I will listen to my heart and it will happen just like it is supposed to happen. McKenzie and McKayla becoming toddlers is truly bittersweet. I am excited to watch them learn and grow, but I am also sad to let go of the baby stage.
Ever since we have been weaning from breastfeeding my appetite has really taken a dive. I am seriously not as hungry any more and I have far few cravings. I am sure you noticed I didn’t eat nearly as much as I have in the past, but I am truly just not hungry. Listening to my body is very important to me. I remember this happening with my other two daughters, but not nearly as extreme as it is this time around. I am sure it has to do with the fact that I am weaning two babies at once, but it is still crazy how different my appetite has become.
Okay, this ended up being much longer then expected, but I just love talking to all of you. Have a good night I will talk to you tomorrow.
In the Comments Below:
What was your favorite food from this week?
- If you breastfed did your appetite change immediately after weaning?
- How did you deal with your baby becoming a toddler? Was it difficult?
My daughter is almost 5 month old and I’m still exclusively breastfeeding. I’m looking forward to milestones like starting solids and walking, but I will miss my little baby. It’s bitter sweet!
Oh the milestones are so much fun, but now I want them to slow down a little.