I have been getting lots of emails asking for my White Chocolate Candy Mix. I have finally typed up the recipe. This is seriously so addicting. So be careful. I love to make this and give some away. I will wrap it up in nice Christmas baggies and tie it with a ribbon.

White Chocolate Candy Mix
You can play around with the amount of each ingredient depending on what you and your family like. We like less M&M’s with more cereal and pretzels.
Ingredients: (small recipe, perfect for our family)
11 oz White Chocolate (I have used the disks and chips)
2 cups chex cereal or crispix cereal (I have used both)
3 cups pretzels (sticks or waffle – I have used both)
1/2 cup peanut butter M&M’s or Peanuts (I am not a peanut fan so I switched mine)
1/2 cup M&M’s
Ingredients: (large recipe – depending how much I plan to give as gifts)
1 medium box chex or crispix cereal
1 med jar dry roasted peanuts or medium bag peanut butter M&M’s
1 medium bag regular m&m’s
1 lb bag pretzels
2 – 1 lb. bag of white chocolate (I have used the disks and chips)
Directions: (these are the same for the two sizes, the larger size will take longer to melt)
1. In a large bowl combine all ingredients except white chocolate and mix.
2. Put white chocolate into microwave safe bowl melt in 1 minute intervals (for small mix), 2 minute intervals (for large mix) at 50% power until melted. Stir in between intervals. Sometimes I go down to 30 seconds depending on how fast the chocolate is melting. You don’t want the chocolate to burn.
3. Pour over mixture immediately.
4. Spread our 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick on wax paper on counter.

5. Let dry at least 30 minutes.
6. Enjoy!
There a quite a few steps but it is so simple to make and once you start you will never want to stop. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
2012 Closeout Workout Challenge Check-In
Since we are going shopping today I wanted to get my reps in before we left. So, I just did 30 jumping jacks, 20 push-ups, 20 narrow squats, and 20 regular squats. For a 10 day total of 880 reps. We are well on our way to 2012 reps.
Yum! That looks delicious!
It is so good and way too easy.