Good morning evening everyone. I tried to get this out earlier, but life happened. I know I always says this, but I truly don’t know what I would do without my mom; she is amazing. She is the only way I am getting through this crazy time in our lives.
I had all the intention in the world to write a post yesterday, but it just didn’t happen. Things are just crazy around here, I seriously don’t know where the day goes. Well, actually I do, it consists of changing diapers, feeding babies, feeding big girls, playing barbies, reading books, problem solving, listening to laughter, snuggling, dancing, singing, playing school, coloring, laundry, cleaning, kissing boo boos, hugs and kisses. And that’s just a few things we do all day long. I have also been really working on eating healthier. I got a little off track after my umbilical hernia surgery and over the holidays. But, I never feel my best when I am not eating my healthiest. So, I have really been focusing on cleaning up my eating and I have been feeling much better. Yesterday, was no different. I loved my food choices and I felt great.
Here we go with what I ate yesterday. Thank you Jenn for hosting.
Breakfast 8:00am
I woke up at 5:30am to workout before the chaos. After finishing my workout at 6:45am I grabbed a banana to hold me over until I could eat breakfast with the girls. We decided we all wanted pancakes. I had a few pancakes with a kiwi. I have been craving kiwis and finally got to the store to buy some. It was quite tasty.
Snack 9:00am
I know the best way to focus on eating healthier is to have healthy food readily available, so I love to cut up a bunch of fresh fruit at the beginning of the week. With four daughters there is not a lot of time to prepare healthy snacks throughout the day. So, I grabbed some strawberries, grapes, and oranges out of the fridge, of course while holding a baby.
Snack 11pm
I was hungry again so I had some turkey, carrots and hummus. Another quick and easy snack.
Lunch 12pm
I made half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which I paired with more peanut butter and crackers.
Snack 2:00pm
Wow, the P90X plyometric workout has made me so hungry today, I feel like I could just keep eating. Even though it’s not always easy I am doing my best to make healthy choices. I made a poached egg with toast. Delicious and it keeps me full for hours.
Pre-Dinner 5:00pm
While I was making dinner and waiting for Steve to come home I ate a nice big salad. I love having salads at this time so I don’t snack mindlessly.
Dinner 6:00pm
I decided to make a new meal tonight. I love new recipes and get so excited when I have the time to put one together. We have been eating a lot of chicken lately, so I wanted to change things up. I found this easy and delicious recipe on Pinterest and the best thing is I had a couple leftover for lunch the next day. Best part is we all loved it. That’s a win-win!
Dessert 7:30
Of course, I just had to end my day with my favorite treat. But, I have been playing with the ingredients a little lately so I changed it up a tad. I will share the tweaks with you later this week.
In the Comments Below:
What was your favorite food from this week?
- Do you love making new recipes or do you prefer to stick with ones you know?
My sweet daughter. Thank you for the nice comments. Thank you for letting me be such a big part of your life. It means so much to me. I love you.
Thank you Mom!! We love you very much.