What I Ate Wednesday # 54

What I Ate Wednesday # 54

Good morning everyone. I know it is early, but we are getting ready for our 4-5 hour road trip. Yes, you heard me right the six of us are going to be in a car for several hours. Getting ready for this trip has been exhausting. There is so much to bring when you have little ones. But, I am excited to get there and be with my dad’s side of the family. We always have such a good time and we definitely don’t get to see everyone enough. I can’t wait for everyone to meet McKenzie and McKayla.

Steve and I have prepared ourselves for quite the adventure. We are not expecting much sleep or really much of anything. I am planning on coming back even more exhausted then I am now, but no matter what I am going to choose to make the best of it and be happy.

This is the beginning my favorite time of the year. I love that Thanksgiving makes us stop to think about what is important in our lives and it is such a wonderful feeling to know this is our first year with our completed family; the six of us. I can’t wait for many more years together.


Last night as I sat in our family room looking at our mantle with our six stockings on it I simply smiled. I can see our girls waking up on Christmas morning for many years to come. I love our family. I couldn’t be happier to have my girls and of course my hubby in my life. They are what happiness is all about.

Now that I have filled you in on our adventure let’s talk food. I am linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday.

Breakfast – 7:30

Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

wiww 54 - pancakes

Snack – 10:00

wiww 54 - fruit

Lunch – 12:00

wiaw 52 - pb and j

Okay I have to admit we had a rough morning yesterday, so by noon I really needed a little chocolate. So, I made a chocolate cake.

recycled picture (no time to take one)

wiaw 52 - chocolate cake

Snack – 3:00

Turkey wrap with cheese and hummus.

wiww 54 - turkey wrap

Dinner – 6:00

I really didn’t know what I felt like eating so I started with a salad followed by a baked sweet potato and finished with a chicken hot dog.

wiww 54 - salad

wiww 54 - sweet potato

These have been my go to hot dogs lately.

wiww 51 - hot dogs

Snack – 7:00

I have been loving these bars lately. They really satisfy a sweets craving.

wiww 54 - apple bar

wiww 54 - apple bar bar

I can’t wait to tell you all about our trip, but for now I have to get us all ready to get out the door. Talk to you soon!!

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me what you have been eating lately?
  2. What is your Thanksgiving like?

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