I am sorry this post is so late, but it has just been one of those days. McKenzie and McKayla were quite cranky, but thanks to my mom we made it through. I seriously don’t know what I would do without her. Actually I do, I would go crazy. I would have never been able to get through these past few months. She not only helps me with all my everyday tasks (taking care of the girls and my house) she also helps me with all my emotions. Being a mom of four little girls, is quite the emotional rollercoaster. My mom helps the ride not seem so scary. She helps bring me back to reality, she helps me know this won’t last for long and I will miss this some day. I am truly blessed to have my best friend, my mom with me day in and day out. Thank you mom. I love you!!
I am sorry I got a little sappy, but I have had so many emotions going on lately and I wanted to share them with you. I always try to be as open and honest as I can be and right now life is not easy, but we are getting through it with some laughs along the way.
Since, it is Wednesday it is time to talk about food.
Breakfast 7:30
We are still loving pumpkin around here, so we made some yummy pumpkin pancakes.
Lunch 11:00
Monday, I made a batch of my delicious crock-pot salsa chicken. We love it and it is so simple. For lunch I had leftovers. I am falling in love with my crock-pot.
Crockpot Salsa Chicken
- 1-1.5 pounds of chicken breasts
- 1 cup salsa
- 1 packet of taco seasoning (I used Mrs. Dash no salt added)
- Place all ingredients in your crockpot
- Cook it on either low for 4-6 hours or high for 2-3 hours
- Once the chicken is cooked, shred it with a fork. Let sit until moisture is absorbed. Enjoy!
Snack 1:00
I had peanut butter and jelly on a low carb wrap. I have been loving these lately, they are just so tasty. I also had a bowl of fruit.
Dinner 6:00
Steve had to get some extra work done, so us girls were on our own for dinner and I couldn’t figure out what I felt like eating. I made a few different things.
My meal started with half a grilled cheese sandwich, then I ate a chicken hot dog (no bun), and I finished my meal with baked sweet potato slices. I told you it was quite the meal.
Dessert 7:30
Since, Sophia was Star of the Week she was able to bring in a treat for the class to enjoy and wanted to bring in pink cupcakes. I made up a batch and had to try one for myself. I mean I had to know how they tasted before sending them into school.
I have realized I am not eating enough veggies lately. My goal is to start incorporating a salad into my daily eats. I simply got away from them because they take extra time to make and quite frankly I really don’t have the time right now. But, I need to make the time. Being healthy important.
In the Comments Below:
- What were your favorite foods from this week?
I hear you about moms. I so wish mine wasn’t injured right now. I almost called her on Monday sobbing to tell her I needed her to not have both of her wrists broken because the day was from hell, but I stopped myself because I knew she would feel horrible that she can’t help me right now. Most days are okay, but MAN – when both of them are crabby, it’s rough. We just went through what was probably our “6 week” growth spurt, and it was horrendous. Both girls refused to sleep all day Monday or Tuesday. Once John got home, I went to our room to pump just so I could be by myself for fifteen minutes. God love them though.
Today was much better!
I am so sorry about your mom. I can’t imagine what you are going through. First you are emotional from just having twins and now you are worrying about your mom. I know what you mean about not wanting to make our moms feel bad. I am the exact same way, I try to make things sound a little better then they are so mom can rest a little. I don’t want to wear her out.
You are so right; two crabby babies are awful. Sometimes I don’t even know what to do. I have had a few moments where I am silently screaming. Oh my!! And I have had some days were we all cry together. One day Sophia told Daddy that Mommy and the babies were crying today. Haha.
Life with twins is unexplainable. When they refuse to sleep that is the worst. And it is so hard when at the end of the day you feel like all you did was rock babies to sleep because they decided to catnap every half hour. Oh fifteen minutes pumping by yourself is heaven. Hey even 5 minutes in nice.
It is so refreshing to know I am not alone. You sound just like me!! Thank you for making me feel “normal”.
I’m so thankful for my mom, too! I love living only 5 minutes from her. It makes things so much better having her around all the time now. Keenan loves it, too! She will definitely be helping me more when baby #2 arrives!
Oh 5 minutes sounds wonderful. You two will have so much fun with your two little ones.
Something I have been doing to get more vegetables in my diet is drinking a glass of V8 juice everyday. If you like it, it is a very quick and easy way to get them in. And we all know with twins we need everything to be quick and easy
That is a great idea. I didn’t even think of that. I was drinking the Green Machine Naked juice for awhile, but I haven’t lately. I need to buy some of those veggies drinks simply for time. Quick and easy is all I can do.