Hi everyone, it is Wednesday again so that means it’s time to talk about food. I have been getting a lot of emails asking how many calories I take in on an average day and I really didn’t know. I haven’t counted calories in years, actually since I had an eating disorder. Counting calories usually makes me crazy and I become obsessed, so I don’t like to do it on an everyday basis. I prefer to eat everything in moderation. Now, I do like to measure my food out. Such as when I have a bowl of cereal I use a measuring cup, it simply makes me feel a little more sane. Steve thinks I am crazy, but I feel too out of control when I don’t measure or count things out, even it is something unhealthy. But, I don’t keep track throughout the day.
Here is my day of food..
Breakfast 8:30
Oatmeal Protein Pancakes. I love having these for breakfast they keep me full forever, which is difficult to do these days. I feel as though I am always hungry.
Snack 11:00
When we got home from Sophia’s ballet class I was starving but had to feed the babies so I grabbed a Luna bar while nursing, of course I shared half with Isabella. So, I settled for half a bar.
Lunch 12:00
My usual turkey wrap with cheese and hummus. I was so excited I finally got to Trader Joe’s (it’s about 25 minutes away) and bought one of my favorite cheeses, their muenster. It is delicious.
I also had half a peanut butter and jelly, but didn’t get to take a picture, I was taking care of a screaming baby.
Snack 3:00
The girls and I shared a bowl of fruit. My favorite snack. I also added a bowl of Go Lean cereal.
Pre-Dinner Snack – 4:00
I had a few, 10 to be exact, chips with salsa. Yum! Tortilla chips are one of those foods if I’m not careful I could eat the entire bag.
Dinner 6:00
My wonderful neighbor set up a system for our neighbors and friends to sign up to bring us dinner twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday. It is all done online through signupgenius.com and I can see what everyone is making for us. We are truly blessed to have so many people who care about us.
Last night, lasagna with salad and bread was brought over to us. It was delicious.
Dessert – 7:30
Okay, so the babies have been having a cranky time from about 8-11, but last night it took place from 7-10 and it is awful. I am starting to think they might have colic. I have no idea, but they are truly inconsolable. The best Steve and I can do it hold them, rock them, and let them cry in our arms. It kills me inside, but there is really nothing I can do.
Anyway, I really needed something sweet so while Steve held both girls I quickly whipped up and ate one of my Single Serve Chocolate Cakes.
I calculated all my calories from yesterday and I ate just under 2500. Since I am breastfeeding two babies that seems a little low, but I can only eat so much. I am sure from time to time I eat more than that and some days less. I seriously eat whenever I am hungry, which is all the time right now, and try to eat as healthy as I can. For those of you who were asking I hope that helps. I have definitely not been cutting any calories since have the twins.
In the Comments Below:
- What was your favorite food from this week?
- If you are or did breastfeed did you notice you were hungry all the time?
- Are there times you simply have to have a sweet treat? If so what do you typically eat?
- Any information about colic would be fantastic? Tips, advice, etc.
Poor babes. My girls both have cranky times and thankfully (or not) theyre at different times. Mine just want to be snuggled during some naps which i have a love hate relationship with. currently im typing with one hand and snuggling brooklyn!
It is so hard when they get cranky together or separate. I know what you mean about the love hate relationship with holding them while they nap. It is so hard to get anything done, but it is so sweet to snuggle their sweet little bodies.
I have become an expert at typing with one hand; you will too.