I am sorry I have been off with my posting lately, but I am trying to figure out what is normal for us right now. I am having a difficult time being okay with everything. I am still afraid of the dangers of twin-to-twin transfusion (TTTS).
The best way I can explain the feelings going on inside of me is that it is like someone you love being sick and you don’t know if they are going to make it through the illness. You don’t know if you are ever going to get to be with them and hold them in your arms.
We are going to start having weekly ultrasounds. Every Monday we will go see the high risk doctor and take a look at how our girls our doing. Our babies will be closely monitored until they are safely in my arms.
I cannot thank all of you enough for the kind and caring messages you have been writing me. They have really helped me get through this tough time. I am so thankful to have your support.
Today, I am going to try and post my regular Wednesday post. I need to try to get back into some sort of routine.
Breakfast 7:30
We ate Greek Yogurt Waffles for breakfast. But, unfortunately my waffle iron is still sticking. Since, we love waffles so much we bought a more expensive waffle maker and it is not even a year old, yet already sticking. The waffle maker I have right now is Warning Pro WMK300A. I do love it, so hopefully it’s not the end of it. If you have any suggestions on what to do or a new one to buy I’d love to hear about them in the comments below.
I wish I would have taken a picture of the mess I scraped out of the waffle iron. Nonetheless, they were still delicious. Click here for the recipe. (23 grams of protein)
This is a picture of a time the came out beautifully.

Snack 9:45
I wanted to make my protein pancakes, but there was no time before dance. Instead, I ate a luna bar and drank a glass of milk. The protein pancakes would have had double the protein, but I can only do so much. (17 grams of protein)

Lunch 11:30
Lunch was my typical salad with turkey, sliced almonds, pita croutons, and a sprinkle of cheese. (15 grams of protein)

Snack 2:30
Carrots with hummus. I have been loving hummus lately and this combination is perfect.
Snack 3:30
I knew I needed more protein for the day, so I opened a can of tuna fish and added a little miracle whip. This has been a favorite ever since I can remember. (26 grams of protein)
Dinner 6:00
I ended up doing way too much today. Therefore, Steve decided he was going to pick up dinner. We ordered one of our favorites, Drunken Noodle, from a Thai restaurant on his way home from work. I have to say it really hit the spot. (25 grams of protein)
Total Protein: 106 grams
Total Water: 135 ounces
In the comments below:
- Please give me suggestions for a new waffle iron; I am going to miss making waffles until I get one.
- What are some of your go to take-out options?
- What has been your favorite snack lately?
I always loved mixing plain greek yogurt with some tuna. So good. And topping a sliced apple with the tuna mixture? Surprisingly tasty
Sorry to hear about the death of your waffle maker. Hope you find a good one! I hate waffles that stick.
Those sound like great ways to change up my tuna. I am going to have to give those a try next time.
Aww sorry about your waffle iron. I don’t make a lot of waffles (even though I TOTALLY should), but I know what you mean. My little coffee maker isn’t exactly at it’s prime anymore either.
I’d say my favorite snack of the moment is Trader Joe’s kettle popcorn. It’s sweet, and the serving size is HUGE, but the nutritional value is really pretty good (110 calories, 2g fiber, 2g protein) and the ingredients are amazing! I don’t know exactly, but I’m pretty sure they’re popcorn, sunflower oil, sugar, and one other thing. Pretty decent snack! (And possibly a breakfast conponent one time….oops?)
Thank you. It is so disappointing when this stop working. It drives me crazy.
That kettle popcorn sounds great. I am going to pick up a bag next time I am there. Thanks!
Oh no! Not your waffle maker! Do you use a cooking spray on it? I saw that Trader Joes is now carrying a coconut oil cooking spray. Maybe giving it a spritz of that before putting the mix would help

Keep your head up Renee! God works his magic in miraculous ways
I have always brushed oil on it before putting the mix in and once it started to act funny I began to put a lot of oil and it is still not working. Thank you for the suggestion. But I do like the idea of coconut oil cooking spray. I am going to get some next time. I think I need to accept the fact that my waffle iron is done. Haha

Thank you, being with my girls really helps me stay happy.
Are you using a lot of cooking spray for your waffle iron? I have to spray that puppy down and then let it heat up for a few minutes and then they don’t stick.
Unfortunately I have been using a lot of oil on my waffle iron and it is still sticking like crazy. I think it has seen it’s last waffle.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Hang in there Renee! I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
My favorite snack lately has been KiZE Concepts bars; they are SO good! They all contain peanut butter,which is why I probably love them so much!
Thank you Melissa. It means a lot to have your support.
Those bars sound amazing. I am going to have to buy some. I am always looking for a quick and easy snack. Thanks.
Your noodles look delish!
I have yet to own a waffle maker!
Favorite snack…right now it would be my 2 minute Chocolate Protein Mug Cake
Are you eating regular hummus or is it flavored?
My favorite snack right now are those crazy good clementine cuties! I can’t get enough of those!
I ran out of Trader Joe’s garlic hummus, so right now I am eating regular hummus. But I love a sorts of flavors.
Oh I love cuties. They are so good and easy to easy. I need to buy some next time we go to the store.