What I Ate Wednesday #16

What I Ate Wednesday #16

This months What I Ate Wednesday theme is going green which means all of us bloggers are going to try to add more green foods into our day of eating. As you know, trying to eat anything during this pregnancy has not been the easiest, but we will see. I have been loving my salads, so at least we are on the right path.

Breakfast – 7:30

I changed up breakfast this morning and made Oatmeal Protein Pancakes. They are delicious and have a lot of protein. (29 grams of protein)

Oatmeal Protein Pancakes

Snack – 9:45

We had a crazy morning before leaving for dance, so I didn’t have time to make a protein shake. Therefore, I grabbed a luna bar. Not as much protein as I would have liked, but I do the best I can.(9 grams of protein)

Luna Bar

Lunch #1 – 11:30

I was making my girls peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and they looked good, so I decided to have half a sandwich with a few crackers and a glass of milk. (10 grams of protein)

Peanut Butter and Jelly - Half

Lunch # 2 – 12:30

The half sandwich and a few crackers didn’t sustain me for very long. An hour later, I made a salad with turkey, almonds, a little cheese, and homemade pita croutons. I love the addition of the turkey on my salad and the crunch of the croutons are delicious. (12 grams of protein)

Salad with Turkey

Snack – 3:00

String cheese and a fruit salad. (7 grams of protein)

Fruit Salad

Dinner – 6:00

We had my skillet chicken paired with olive oil and herb pasta. This chicken is quick, easy and delicious. (28 grams of protein)

Chicken with Olive Oil and Herb Pasta

Dessert – 7:30

This is an oldie but a goodie. Lately, chocolate cake hasn’t sounded good, but tonight I felt like something sweet. I made a microwave chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. This is a great quick and easy dessert, it is less then 150 calories. (5.5 grams of protein)

Microwave Chocolate Cake

Total Grams of Protein: 100.5

Total Ounces of Water: 130

Since, I didn’t drink a protein shake it was very difficult to hit my protein. I realized today I need to get better with adding the shake each day.

Are there any recipes that will always be a favorite of yours and never get old?

17 comments on “What I Ate Wednesday #16

  1. Eating 4 Balance on said:

    Well, you still did a great job with your protein, even without the shake. That pan fried chicken looks amazing.


  2. Khushboo on said:

    New to your blog but I’m liking it- you take wonderful photos :)! All your food looks yummy, especially dessert…can you tell I have a sweet tooth ;)! How is that Luna Bar flavor..I bought it a while ago but am still yet to try it!

    • Thank you for stopping by. I have been really trying to take good pictures, it can be really difficult. I am learning new things everyday. 🙂 Oh you will have to try that cake it is really good and for not many calories. That is my favorite Luna bar flavor. It is the perfect combo of chocolate and peanut butter.

  3. Lift, Sleep, Eat on said:

    yum I love microwave protein cakes 🙂 I adore Luna bars too..wish i could get them easier!

  4. Whitney @ To Live and Diet in L.A. on said:

    Looking forward to the chicken recipe!!


  5. Stephanie @ Snacking on Sunshine on said:

    I can’t believe it took me so long to hop on board the fruit + cheese bandwagon. Such a great way to get a little extra protein in with your afternoon apple/grapes/etc!
    Your eats look wonderful – I love that you had two mini lunches instead of one bigger one. I do that all the time!

    • Yes, fruit and cheese is the best combo. I started having two mini lunches simply because I couldn’t decide what I wanted and it was more fun to have two different things in small amounts. 🙂

  6. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    I made a microwave Protein cake the other day too! It was almost like brownie but was good! Still trying to perfect it before I share a recipe.
    A favorite dinner recipe of ours is chicken picatta with artichoke hearts and mushrooms. It’s always a hit and an easy go to recipe 🙂

    • That sounds so good. I can’t wait to try your recipe. And your chicken picatta sounds amazing too. I will have to try it. I love go to easy meals.

  7. Kadee on said:

    I’ve been making tacos out of ground turkey almost every week since I got married, and have no plans of stopping. They are so good!

  8. Bella on said:

    Hey Rennee,

    Wow girl, you have seriously got your hands full don’t you? I love that you are trying to eat healthy during your pregnancy. My first time stopping by your blog, so I guess I need to catch up a little, but I love how you document your meals by time, and everything you eat.

    I recently for the first time ever started doing that, and it has been amazing to look at. Sure makes me so much more accountable for what I put in my mouth!!

    So as I was reading your post I noticed you were really only keeping track of your protein intake, and it is high…… what is your goal exactly, and why so high? I am still learning a thing or two, and don’t actually keep track of calories, or protein or anything else, besides taking my pictures. I might be consuming just about that much and I don’t even realize it, lol.

    My goal is def high protein, and less carbs. I’ve tried staying as GF as possible the past 2 weeks, and have noticed a difference. Good difference.

    Anyway, would love to hear more about your meal goals, and how it’s going for you!!

    I love pita chips too, yummm!! Plus that chicken looks amazing 🙂

    So glad I stopped by! Have a great day girl 🙂

    P.s. After coming back from an extended blogging break, I’ve started a 40 day challenge to get HEALTHY by my birthday. If you get a chance to check it out, I could sure use the support!
    Hugs, Bella 🙂
    Bella’s 40 Day Challenge

    • Thank you so much for stopping by. I am so glad you did. Hands full is an understatement. 🙂

      I only really record me food one day per week just to check-in, otherwise I would go crazy. But I am simply keeping track of protein right now because my doctor told me with twin pregnancies they recommend 100 grams a day. Research states it helps to have healthier babies and I will do anything to have healthy babies. But for the most part I am an eat everything in moderation kind of girl.

      I will for sure be over to check out your challenge. Talk to you later. 🙂 Thanks again!

  9. Becky C. @ Becky's Blog on said:

    I love Luna bars! When I was pregnant with my twins food was not my friend. I will be sure to stop back by to see how you are doing.