What I Ate Wednesday #10

What I Ate Wednesday #10

Breakfast 7:30

Greek Yogurt Waffle

Yogurt Waffle

Snack 9:30

For some reason I was hungrier this morning and I was in the mood for an egg bagel sandwich. I scrambled two eggs cooked in the microwave and put them on a toasted bagel. This hit the spot.

egg bagel sandwich

Lunch 12:00

We were in the mood for pancakes. So I made us some Oatmeal Protein Pancakes.

Oatmeal Protein Pancakes

Snack 3:00

A handful of mini peanut butter cups.

mini milk chocolate pb cups

Dinner 6:00

A salad and stuffed shells. One of our favorites and so easy to make.

Stuffed Shells - Finished Product

18 comments on “What I Ate Wednesday #10

  1. Eating 4 Balance on said:

    I love that you forget sometimes to take a picture before you eat your food too! Sometimes I’m just SOO hungry 😀

    Happy WIAW!


  2. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    I always forget to snap a picture until halfway through. Or at all! The stuffed shells look amazing! I actually don’t think I’ve ever made stuffed shells! How strange!

  3. Anne@LoveMintChocolateChip on said:

    all of your meals look so yummy! love the waffle and pancake recipe 🙂

  4. Jess @ JessieBear What Will You Wear? on said:

    mmm greek yogurt waffle sounds so yummy!

  5. Love the simplicity of your post today! Oatmeal protein pancakes are the best and I eat them for any meal.

  6. Katie @ Live Half Full on said:

    This day is perfect. Now I’m drooling.

  7. Summer on said:

    I love Trader Joe’s mini peanut butter cups! Those are so good!! The oatmeal protein pancakes look good too 🙂

  8. Gillian @ The Greener Bean on said:

    Ohhhh those Trader Joes PB cups make me weak! Too good.


  9. Kristabel@raceready.wordpress.com on said:

    I love love love those mini PB cups. Have you tried melting them on oatmeal? Soooo good.

    • No I haven’t I am going to have to try that; sounds delicious. I do put them in my Single Serving Chocolate Cake and they are so good. 🙂

  10. Melissa @ Fit 'n' Well Mommy on said:

    Your salad and shells look SO good! I always forget to take a picture until halfway through eating my food or when there is only one bite left. I’m getting better at remembering, but sometimes I’m just so hungry that I just want to eat it!

    Stopping by from WIAW. I have enjoyed reading through your posts! I’m looking forward to following your blog!