I think I say this all the time, but I seriously can’t believe how crazy our days have been lately. Our routine has been a little off since Sophia has had so many snow days, McKenzie and McKayla are teething, and the extreme cold is making us stir crazy.
McKenzie and McKayla are definitely starting to sleep better at night, but they are very inconsistent. A couple of nights ago McKayla actually slept from 7pm to 6:45am and that same night McKenzie only woke up at 12:30am. I felt amazing. However, the next night they were up all night long. Talk about a total 360. Last night McKenzie woke up at 12am to feed and low and behold we both fell asleep in the chair. I woke up an hour later and proceeded to put McKenzie in Mckayla’s crib. Yes, I started to lay McKenzie on top of McKayla. Of course, I quickly realized what I was doing and took McKenzie to her crib, but oh my. I must have been exhausted. Who am I kidding I have 6 month old twins of course I am exhausted.
Since, it is Wednesday it is time to talk about food. So, let’s get to it. In case you are new here head on over to Jenn’s blog and see what it’s all about.
Breakfast 7:30
After finishing my workout I quickly grabbed a banana to hold me over until I could eat breakfast. Once I got the girls out of bed we made some pumpkin protein pancakes. These have seriously become one of my favorite breakfasts.
Snack 10:00
Lunch 12:00
I had my usual, turkey wrap with hummus and half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I also had a handful of crackers and a glass of milk.
Snack 2:00
We have finally finished up all our Christmas M & M’s.
Snack 4:00
I have been eating a salad every day.
Dinner 6:00
Steve had to work late, so us girls decided to have breakfast for dinner. We made our Greek yogurt waffles.
Dessert 7:30
I ended my day with a single serving chocolate cake.
My Fitness Routine for the Next 90 Days!
Well, today was my last workout in the 30 day challenge and it is bitter sweet. I have truly loved these intense workouts. I loved that I knew what I was going to do each and every day. These past thirty days have gone by extremely fast. The best thing about the challenge was that it taught me getting up early is not so bad. I feel better when I take the time to workout. I am definitely going to continue waking up early to get my workouts in before the chaos of the day begins.
As I mentioned in a previous post I have decided I am going to start P90X. I will start the program on Monday; since I want my rest day each week to be on Sunday (this will work with the schedule). As most of you know we are leaving for Disney at the end of this month so I will only be able to complete the first 3 weeks. I will take the 4th week off and start up again on week 5.
What am I going to do the remainder of this week? Well tomorrow I am going to do some yoga. I haven’t figured out which one yet, but I truly feel after the past thirty days this is what my body needs. Basically, I am going to use the remainder of the week as an active rest week.
I am feeling really good about my goals for the year. I feel like I am off to a great start. Here’s to an amazing year!!
I am going to end with a picture of McKenzie and McKayla.
Watching Mommy finish her workout.
In the Comments Below:
- What was your favorite food from this week?
- How are your goals going for the year?
Oh that salad looks good! I have been out of love with salads the last few months, but I’m starting to come back into loving them! My favorite food was a California Cobb Flatbread I made! So delicious. See…. so out of love with salads, I turned a salad into a pizza
I go through phases with salads too; right now I am on a roll.
That flatbread sounds delicious.