Good morning everyone. I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. I can’t wait to tell you all about McKenzie and Mckayla’s 1st birthday party. But I will get to that later today; yes you are getting two posts today!! I know crazy right?
Last week, a fellow blog friend, Melissa, asked me to participate in a virtual blog tour. It is a great way for bloggers to share more about blogging, what goes into a blog post and why they started writing.
Unfortunately, I have never met Melissa, but through reading her blog Fit N Well Mommy I feel as though we are great friends. Maybe someday we can meet and our little ones can play. She has two adorable children, a little boy and a new baby girl. I love reading her blog posts and hearing all about her wonderful family. I also love her posts about CrossFit and all her different WODs. I hope to one day give it a try, but for now I can live through her.
Here is a little bit more about Melissa:
Melissa loves to inspire moms to be fit and their best self without sacrificing their sense of identity. She’s a real mom who doesn’t sugar coat the truth. Being a mommy is hard work, and it doesn’t mean you have to let yourself go. Melissa is a mommy to a little boy and a new baby girl, and she loves to share her fun and often crazy adventures, as well as offering recipes, workouts and tips. She is a Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer and CrossFit Coach by trade, but her family is priority number one. Join her on her journey through mommyhood and staying fit!
Here are the four questions I was given to answer for the tour:
What am I working on?
Right now I have a lot going on, First, I am working on changing up the design of my site. Hopefully, within the next few months we will be seeing a new and improved Fit For Motherhood. I am also working on creating some new healthy recipes. I love to play around in the kitchen, but I haven’t had much time to do so since McKenzie and McKayla were born. And last but not least I am trying to figure out how my new business Rodan + Fields and Fit For Motherhood go together. I do think they are a perfect fit, since it’s a wonderful way to make some extra money for us busy moms.
How does my work differ than others of its genre?
I try to be positive while also telling you like it is. Being a mom/parent is hardwork, yet it is the most rewarding job in the world. Yes, at times it is not easy and can really take a toll on you. I strive to unite us moms. I want us to feel as through we have a place to go and feel like we are not alone. One thing I know is no matter how many kids you have there are many times you feel completely and utterly alone; even though you are never actually alone. I never want a mom to feel alone; that is just not right.
I definitely try to motivate my readers to live a healthy life and want every to know no matter how busy you are there is always time to take care of yourself. I also am a huge believer in that exercise should be fun. Find something you like to do and do it; whether it is yoga, pilates, weight lifting, running, etc. If you like your workouts you will look forward to doing them.
A couple big factors I always talk about in my blog is balance and moderation. You have to find a healthy balance with your food, exercise, family time, etc. Once you figure that out you will live a much happier life. Choosing to be happy is very important. Life is what you make it.
Why do I write what I do?
I love connecting to other moms, women, and people trying to live a healthy lifestyle. I want everyone to know they can be fit and healthy no matter how busy they are or what they have going on. I want moms to feel connected, never alone. I also write for me. This is my time to be me. This is my few hours to simply escape and talk to all of my readers and I love it. I write because I want all moms to know it is not easy and that’s okay. I want us all to know as long as we love our children with all our heart we are doing an amazing job. We are enough!!

How does my writing process work?
I used to plan out my posts weeks in advance, but ever since having McKenzie and McKayla that doesn’t happen much any more. I am slowly getting back to where I write down what posts I am going to do for the week or month. I used to have a blogging notebook, but right now I couldn’t tell you where that is at. Ha! I prefer to stay ahead of the game, but quite frankly with four kids that just doesn’t happen and that’s okay I know this craziness is only for a short period.
Okay, enough about me, it’s time to introduce Amber from Mommy’s Me Time! She is the best mom to three adorable kids with one on the way. She has a sweet little boy and identical twin girls. She is so inspiring because she still manages to “do it all” with a smile on her face! I don’t know how she does it! She has a kind heart and a love for God. It is simply beautiful.
Amber is a stay-at-home mom to three kids under three years old and is expecting baby number four in September! In addition to loving on her little sweethearts, Amber is passionate about encouraging moms to prioritize self-care and take time to pour back into themselves. She blogs about this over on Mommy’s Me Time, along with some of her other passions which include fitness, making nutritious meals, and capturing their journey as a young family. Her life is crazy, not perfect, and full of “real life” moments, but she wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Thanks for reading, and thank you, Melissa, for including me in this tour!
Today is going to be a tough one. We are taking McKayla and McKenzie to have surgery to get tubes places in their ears. I know this is what is best for our girls, but it doesn’t make it any easier. The last time they had to be away from us for medical reasons was in the NICU and that was awful. I know this isn’t going to be anything like that, but it’s still not easy. I will tell you how it goes this evening. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for your kind words, Renee! You are so sweet! Thank you for inviting me on the tour!