Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. I hope you had a wonderful day. Don’t forget to tell everyone you love how much you care about them. My plan was to be busy crafting and baking with the girls, but life happened. We have all been fighting this cold and this morning I was especially stuffy so I decided we needed to disinfect majorly. Luckily, Sophia and Isabella love to use the Clorox wipes; that is how we spent our morning. We wiped down the entire playroom and I washed tons of toys in the washing machine. I saw on Pinterest that you can put toys in a garment bag and simply put them in your washer (it worked perfectly). I want to get this cold out of our house ASAP; I mean seriously we leave for Disney in just over a week. We have no time to be sick.
We did make Daddy some valentine cards. So, we did do some crafting; not as much as I would have liked, but there is nothing I can do about that. And I did pull up the recipe for these peanut butter cups, but never got around to making them. Tomorrow is another day.
Thursday night I was looking through Pinterest and came up with a million things I wanted to do with the girls. However, with how we were all feeling today I decided they will have to wait until next year. I thought I would share my fun finds with you too.
All the People I Love Discovery Box – I know all my girls would love to go through a box with pictures of everyone they love. To me this is the reason for this holiday; to remember our loved ones.
From the Bottom of My Heart – This is adorable. We will be making these next year or at least something like it. I love using kids handprints and footprints and watching them grow year to year.
Simple Heart Craft – The simple in the title got me. Not only does this craft look simply I know my girls would have a blast. I am thinking we will do something like this for Easter and not wait all the way till next year. Just a thought.
Mosaic Heart Craft – This is another simple one, but definitely one my girls would love. Again this one can easily be changed for different holidays.
Giselle’s Chocolate Nut Butter Heart – These sound delicious and I love the ingredients in them; they are pure.
Valentine’s Sun Catcher – This is another adorable easy craft.
There are a million different Valentine’s Day crafts and recipes on Pinterest, these a just a few simple ones I know my girls will love. I am definitely going to be modifying some of these for Easter in a few months.
Daddy sent all his girls flowers and teddy bears!! Sophia and Isabella were so excited.
When I was tucking Sophia in tonight she said, “Mommy tomorrow morning can we have snuggle time on the couch. I need some Mommy and Sophia snuggle time.” It’s those simple words that make this all worth it. She melted my heart and I cannot wait to hold her tomorrow. I hope you had a wonderful day, filled with lots of love.
I thank God every day for my family. I have so many valentine’s this year and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Our Weekend
What are up to this weekend. We have a fun weekend in store for us. We are spending time with my parents and Steve’s mom and stepdad (a fun birthday party; my mother-in-law sure knows how to throw a party :)). We are going to tell the girls that we are going to Disney World in a week. I will be making a count down chart for them. Once I make it I will show you. I know they will love crossing off the days. Luckily, it will only be a week away; not too long for two little girls. They will be so excited. I can’t wait to tell you all about it on Monday. I will take lots of pictures.
In the Comments Below:
- What do you do on Valentine’s Day?
- What are your plans for the weekend?
Thanks for including me! I need to plan ahead for next year since I didn’t do much this year. Valentine’s really snuck up on my!
Of course, I love your recipes. I just wish I had more time to make more of them.
It sure did sneak up on me too!!
I love crafts but haven’t done any in a long time.