Total Body Workout (Prenatal Adaptations if Needed)

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Good morning everyone. I am still not permitted to workout. ๐Ÿ™  But I went through YouTube and found a great total body workout. I have added some ways you can change these workouts to fit into your prenatal exercise program if you are pregnant.

I have an appointment with my doctor next Monday, I will be asking her about what I can start to do some pilates or yoga.

Tips for when you are working out while pregnant:

If you are pregnant remember donโ€™t over exert yourself. Listen to your body, if something doesnโ€™t feel good donโ€™t do it. Whenever I workout when pregnant I always lowered my weights, instead of 10 lb. weights I use 5 lb. weights. Remember donโ€™t lay on your stomach and when you are in your 2nd and 3rd trimesters donโ€™t lay flat on your back.

Total Body Workout (Prenatal Adaptations if Needed)

If you are not pregnant do the workout as instructed and you will feel the burn. ๐Ÿ™‚

Love Your Arms Routine with Karena โ€“ 6 minutes (If you are pregnant simply be careful at how much weight you use)

Drive By Inner Thigh Challenge โ€“ 4 minutes (If you are in your 2nd or 3rd trimesters place a couple pillows under your back, therefore you are not laying flat)

Love Your Arms Routine with Karena โ€“ 6 minutes

Call Me Maybe Squats โ€“ 5 minutes (No change needed if you are pregnant)

Love Your Arms Routine with Karena โ€“ 6 minutes

Drive By Inner Thigh Challenge โ€“ 4 minutes (If you are in your 2nd or 3rd trimesters place a couple pillows under your back, therefore you are not laying flat)

Pop Pilates: Upper Body Workout โ€“ 10 minutes (If you are pregnant do not begin butt-ups laying on your stomach, simply begin on your elbows.) (Instead of boat pose go onto your hands and knees and do cat and cow โ€“ this pose helps your baby get into head down position birth.)

Love Your Legs Routine with Karena โ€“ 7 minutes (If you are pregnant be careful of losing your balance, you donโ€™t need to lift your leg during the squats and lunges.) (If you are in 2nd or 3rd trimesters put a pillow behind your back during the bum lifts at the end.)

Total: 48 minutes

I know that was a lot of information for those of you that might be expecting a baby, but once you get used to prenatal workouts all these changes will be second nature to you. Remember number one rule is listen to your body.


2 comments on โ€œTotal Body Workout (Prenatal Adaptations if Needed)โ€

  1. Shannon (Healthiful Balance) on said:

    I love doing total body workouts! ๐Ÿ™‚