Good evening everyone. I hope you had as wonderful of a day as we did. Yes, today was a great day around here. We have not had a day like today in a long time. I think everyone is finally feeling better. Whoo hoo!! Having a day like today really makes me feel good about our crazy family; maybe I really am starting to get the hang of this whole thing.
Since, it is Tuesday that means it is time to talk about all things baby, toddler, preschooler and who knows what else. Ever since I wrote McKenzie and Mckayla’s 9 month post and talked about how they were crawling and moving all around I have been getting numerous emails and messages asking about how I keep an eye on both girls. So, I thought I would take a moment and share a few of my secrets. They really aren’t anything new, but it is what works for us and keeps me sane. I love the fact that I don’t have to stress about where McKenzie and McKayla are at each and every moment.
First and foremost I always scan the room before putting the babies down on the floor. I make sure there aren’t any small pieces on the ground; so many little pieces go with polly pockets, barbies. etc.
Gates, gates and more gates. In our family room we have a play yard.
I don’t usually place it around the jumperoo, but we weren’t using it and I wanted to push it to the side. We also have two extra panels to make it larger; which will come in handy once McKenzie and McKayla get bigger.
In our play room I had to get a little creative. So, I use our large play blocks and they work perfectly. I place them at the two openings of the room and it keeps them in the playroom; for the most part. It at least slows them down.
I am also a huge believer in baby proofing your house. Make your life easier. Yes, you might have to put a few of your valuables away for the time being, but trust me you will be able to relax a little in your home. I also feel by making your home baby safe, it allows you little one to feel secure their home. I always want my girls to know to feel safe and protected in our home.
In the Comments Below:
- What are some tips you have for baby proofing?
Totally agree on baby proofing, there is already enough to worry about, baby proofing is one thing you can do to make your life a little easier.
Yes, this makes life just little easier.