Toddler Tuesday # 7 – Easy Caterpillar Craft

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Toddler Tuesday # 7 – Easy Caterpillar Craft

It’s a beautiful day here in Michigan. We are finally getting some spring like weather. I am so excited to be able to relax outside with the girls. When the sun is shinning I am so much happier and productive; not that I am aloud to do anything these days. πŸ™‚ But it still feels good!

Sophia checking out the weather and we decided it wasn’t warm enough to go out without a sweatshirt and pants. It might almost be May, but there is definitely still a little chill in the air.

Sophia outside - april 2013

sophia checking out the weather - april 2013

April 2013 Sophia outside

April 2013 Sophia outside 2

Toddler Tuesday – Easy Caterpillar Craft

These days I am all about easy, but I also still want to do fun things with my girls. This is seriously one of the easiest crafts you can do and both my girls loved it.

You simply take an egg carton and cut out the holders into two strips. Each egg carton makes two caterpillars. Then you decorate them any way you want. We used pipe cleaners for their antennas and  used markers to make eyes and anything else the girls wanted to put on their caterpillar. That’s it!!

Caterpiller Craft - close up2 - April 2013

Caterpiller Craft - sophia smiling - April 2013

Caterpiller Craft - Bella - April 2013

Caterpiller Craft - girls working April 2013

Caterpiller Craft - close up - April 2013

Sophia decided she wanted her caterpillar to become a beautiful butterfly. Later, today we are going to work on making some colorful wings. πŸ™‚

toddle tuesday logo

Don’t forget to head on over to My Healthy Happy Home to check out other fun posts for Toddler Tuesday.

In the comments below:

    1. What do you most look forward to doing when the weather gets nice?
    2. When the sun is shinning does it make you happier?
    3. What are some of your favorite easy crafts to do with your kids?


4 comments on β€œToddler Tuesday # 7 – Easy Caterpillar Craft”

  1. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    I was just thinking about this craft the other day and realized we had thrown away our egg carton πŸ™ Next time! Love the pictures! So cute! Thanks for linking up too!

  2. Melissa @ Fit 'n' Well Mommy on said:

    I love this idea! I’m pinning it to do with Keenan next week! The sun definitely makes me happier; I just feel better overall!
