I can’t believe it is Tuesday of a normal week again. I feel like it has been so long since we have had our typical routine. Last week, due to spring break and my doctor wanting me to rest more, my mom was here all week. Today, we are back to are regular schedule. Sophia has ballet and tap this morning, so here we go!

A Quick Pregnancy Update:
Since, I have been having contractions and some preterm labor symptoms (cervix beginning to shorten) I have to take it easy. Basically, if I am not making a meal/snack for the girls and me I have to be off my feet. Today, is the first day all by myself since last Monday, so we will see how it goes.
Toddler Tuesday # 6 – Digital Scrap Booking
Thank you Giselle for hosting, as always. After you are finished here go on over to My Healthy Happy Home and check out more Toddler Tuesday posts!
I thought today, for Toddler I would give you incite on a project I have been working on. I know every parent loves looking back at pictures of their little ones, but many times we never had/have the time to make albums.
One of my goals before the babies come is to make digital yearly albums from Sophia’s birth until now. I am tired of always taking so many pictures and only having them only on the computer. I have been meaning to do this for years, but never got around to it. This time I am getting serious. Once, I catch up it will be very easy to continue making yearly albums throughout the year. I will just keep up with it monthly. I want the girls to easily be able to grab an album and look back at all the fun times we have had. I know they love looking at pictures of themselves. Sophia loves to see pictures of when she was a baby. It will be so much fun to look through these albums with the girls.
I am using shutterfly.com. I like how easy it is to create a customized album. For me the thing that takes the longest is deciding which pictures to put in the album and since I am going back 4 years it has been very difficult; I become quite reminiscent. I know it will get easier since I took way more pictures when we only had Sophia.
Shutterfly lets you upload pictures from your facebook account. They really can’t make it any easier. If you want they would organize the pictures in the book for you by the date taken. But, I am picky so I like to design them myself. Here are a few sample pages from the 2009 album (Sophia’s First Year).

In the comments below:
- Do you scrap book?
- How do you keep your pictures from throughout the years?
I love Shutterfly! I make books and calendars on there every year for grandparents. I’ve made paper scrapbooks in the past and have one from our wedding on (5years ago) however, I’m behind a year and am not sure when I’ll be able to catch up! A digital books might be coming next!
I would love to take the time and paper scrap book, but honestly I am so far behind this is much more practical for me. And I still feel like I get to design the books, which is nice.
I have never done any digital scrapbooking but it looks so wonderful! I really need to try it
You should try it. I have always wanted to scrap book, but it takes so much time. So, to me this is the best of both worlds.
I also love shutterfly. I do my scrapbooks by seasons.
I am a year behind but now that I am on bed rest will have more time to catch up!
Oh that is a great idea. I am way behind.