Thinking Out Loud Thursday # 9

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Thinking Out Loud Thursday # 9

Good evening everyone. Our day was quite the rollercoaster, but we all made it through and tomorrow is another day. Since, it is Thursday it is time for some thinking out loud.

Thinking-Out-Loud (2)

1. Sophia and Isabella woke up on the wrong sides of the bed. They had a rough morning to say the least; which meant it was no fun for anyone. I knew we needed a change of scenery, so after nap time we ventured to the playground.

think 9 - bella playground

thinking 9 - girls thinking 9 - girls 2

Which, of course didn’t go as planned, but was still a wonderful change to our day.  So, as soon as we get to the playground Sophia slides down the slide and goes right into the wet dirt (if you know Sophia she does not like to be dirty, AT ALL) that was quite a moment. We got her cleaned up, then the babies started crying. I knew they wanted to keep walking so I talked the girls into taking a break and going for a walk.

thinking 9 - girls running

On our little walk poor Isabella fell right into a puddle; which normally doesn’t affect her, but today it did.

Isabella right before falling into the puddle.

thinking 9 - isabella before puddle

All the while McKenzie and McKayla were still not happy. I ended up pushing the double stroller while carrying Isabella; it was quite the sight. Low and behold we ended up back at home rather quickly. Luckily the girls love  to simply play at our house. I will say once we went inside to rest and make the house was at peace. Our little time outside was exactly what everyone needed.

2. The weather today was perfect. I am so ready for summer. Swimming pool here we come. I pray McKenzie and McKayla like the water as much as I do.

3. It is so crazy how the mood of our house can change in an instant. This morning I was ready to throw in the towel (not really, but kinda). This evening life was good. Everyone was playing so nicely and everything felt right.

thinking 9 - playdoh

4. My wonderful hubby scheduled me a massage for Saturday afternoon. I can’t wait!!’

5. I talked about Sophia and Isabella not having their best morning, so I decided this weekend I am making behavior charts. As a teacher I know behavior charts far too well and I think they will be perfect for my girls. I give you the details next week. As you know having well behaved girls is very important to Steve and me and it is worth putting time and effort into it. I will tell you we don’t typically have days like today, but I still think our behavior charts will be perfect. Our girls will get rewarded for good behavior; which is most of the time.

6. We are all scheduled to go to the gym again tomorrow. We had to miss last Friday because Isabella had a fever, but we are ready to get back at it. I am so excited. I am really trying to get into the routine of going every Friday, but with four little ones that is not always easy.


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  1. What is on your mind?

One comment on “Thinking Out Loud Thursday # 9

  1. I can’t wait to hear about the behavior chart. Proud of you for venturing to the gym!! I’m sure it is already a workout to get all 4 girls to the gym 🙂