Good evening everyone. I hope you had a wonderful day. We had a pretty good day; a few minor hiccups nothing crazy. Since, it is Thursday let’s get to it. As always, thank you Amanda for hosting.
1. McKayla had another ear infection. This was her third for the season. So far, no one else has any signs of an infection; I pray it stays that way.
2. I put all four girls to bed on my own (don’t tell my parents. They will be sad that they didn’t help. But my mom had plans and I didn’t want her to cancel.) and it was a success. I am so glad we have a nice routine in place; seriously our routines are our saving grace. This is how our bedtime routine (after baths) went:
- Bring all the girls into our family room and put on a Sofia the First.
- Put McKenzie in the “cage”. This way I would know she is safe while I take McKayla upstairs.
- Take McKayla upstairs nurse her and lay her in her crib.
- Come back downstairs and see all my girls happy.
- Pick up McKenzie and tell Sophia and Isabella once this show is over it will be time to go upstairs. (I figured I would be back down before that happened.)
- Take McKenzie upstairs nurse her and lay her in her crib. Well she decided she was starving and nursed much longer then expected. So, my sweet girls came upstairs and tip toed into the babies’ room to tell me their show ended and they were going to brush their teeth. Seriously? They are only 2 and 4. But that goes to show you how a good routine can make all the difference.
- Once I put McKenzie to bed I met the girls in their bathroom and they were just finishing.
- We went and picked books out, then I read to Sophia and Isabella. Put Isabella in her bed and that was that. Oh my!!
I am seriously, so happy with how well it went.
3. McKayla is feeling so much better, so we are going to the gym tomorrow. I actually, made a reservation for McKenzie and McKayla at 9am (you have to have a reservation for babies under one years old). So, I guess this is really happening. This will be my first time taking all four girls to the gym. I am so excited and a little apprehensive. McKenzie and McKayla definitely are going through a Mommy phase so I am a little worried about the separation will be, but I know this is a good thing and I need to do it. It is crazy as much as I am excited to be taking one of my favorite classes I am going to miss my little girls. Wow, Mommy guilt is the worst. I can’t wait to tell you all about it.
4. I am almost done with P90X and can’t wait. I love having a program and a set schedule, but I a so tired of the doing the same workouts week after week. I need a change. I haven’t decided what I am going to tackle next, but I will figure it out in the next week. I know I am going to for sure incorporate 1-2 days at the gym each week (as long as tomorrow goes well).
5. Today, I think I decided I want to have a photo session with just Sophia and me. I have been thinking about how she is going to kindergarten next year and I am so sad. This is a great time for her and me to take some pictures just us. I think I have just created a new tradition. I will take pictures with each of my girls before they go off to kindergarten. Perfection!!
6. We have no plans this weekend. Enough said!!
7. I need to go shopping. I am hating all my spring and summer clothes. But I also have no time to go shopping. It is so depressing. Maybe one day I can shop again. For now online shopping will have to do.
8. I need new gym shoes. Any suggestions?
In the Comments Below:
- What are your favorite stores to shop at?
- What are your favorite gym shoes?
- What are your plans for the weekend?
Hi ,
As usual nice blog. I tired clicking on your routines tag and it took to a page asking for username and password . I don’t have one. Is it possible for you to make the routines page public?
Thank you. I fixed it.