As always my mind has a million things going through it, since it is Thursday I am going to share it all with you; aren’t you lucky?
Today, I am joining Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursday. Head on over and check out all her amazing recipes. Seriously, there are so many I can’t wait to make. Now that things are getting a little more under control around here I am hoping to have more time in the kitchen and I am loving it!!
1. Can you believe Easter is a week away. I am not ready. I still need to get dresses for Sophia and Isabella, I need hair bows for all the girls, I need to get stuff to put in their baskets. Oh my so much to do and so little time. Hopefully, I can get to Target this weekend.
2. Okay I need help I am obsessed with these paleo protein bars (I leave out the strawberries). I want to eat them all day long. So good!!
3. McKenzie and McKayla had their 9 month doctor’s appointment today and it was all good news. They have hit all their milestones without needing to adjust their age. McKayla weighs 15 lbs. 8 oz. and is 27.5 inches long. She is in the 25th percentile for both. It is crazy to think how far she has come from 3 lbs. 3 oz. She was not even on the charts when she was born. McKenzie weighs 18 lbs. 15 oz. Yes almost 19 pounds. She has caught up to what Sophia weighed at 9 months. You would never guess she was a preemie. I am so proud of my girls.
4. I am loving McKenzie and Mckayla’s little personalities. They are so different, but equally wonderful. McKenzie and is very social and talkative. Actually, she never stops talking. She is starting to figure out that I am Mama and Steve is Dada. It is really cute when she uses our names correctly. McKayla is much calmer and quieter, but when you make her angry she will let you know. I can’t wait to continue watching these to grow up into adorable toddlers. Which is right around the corner.
5. I need my nails done ASAP. They are terrible. Hopefully, I can at least paint them this weekend. I am not sure going to get a manicure is in the cards for me.
6. A week from today I register Sophia for kindergarten. Seriously!! When did she get so big? I am not ready for her to go to school five days a week. I will be one sad Mommy.
7. On a different note, I don’t think Isabella is ever leaving me. She says she wants to stay two forever so she doesn’t have to leave me. Oh my!!
8. Our weather here has been beautiful. I am loving the sunshine and being able to leave the house without bundling everyone up. Unfortunately, I think it is going to get chilly again next week. Come on mother nature. I can’t take it anymore.
9. Do you watch The Big Bang Theory? If you don’t you must. It is the funniest show on TV. It cracks us up week after week.
10. We ran out of yogurt covered pretzels and I think I am in depression. Sad? I know!! Once you try yogurt pretzels dipped in almond butter you will feel the same.
In the Comments Below:
- What is on your mind? I’d love to hear all your thoughts.
I honestly can’t believe that Easter is next week either — it doesn’t feel like it at all! And that’s such amazing news about your little girls! I’m happy to hear that they’re doing well and developing sassy little personalities
Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family, Renee!
This month has really flown by. Who am I kidding this year is flying by. Thank you, it is fun watching them grow.