Good evening everyone. I hope your week has been going well, ours has been busy as usual. Since, we had so much fun with last weeks post I thought I would do it again. Thank you Amanda for hosting this fun link-up. It feels great to clear my mind; it is always full of so many things.
1. I had all the intentions in the world to write a What I Ate Wednesday post last night, but our power went out the moment I had a chance to sit down. And of course Steve was out at a dinner meeting. Our house got quite chilly since it didn’t come back on until 5am.
2. Can you believe it is the first day of spring? It surely doesn’t feel like it outside. It is still quite cold here. But things are definitely starting to melt so hopefully we will be enjoying spring like weather in no time.
3. McKenzie and McKayla are on the move. McKayla isn’t officially crawling yet, but McKenzie started crawling this past weekend. They are both getting very good at scooting into the sitting position on their own. I can’t believe how fast they are growing up. I have a hard time thinking that they were preemies.
4. Yesterday, I picked up Sophia from school early because of a tummy ache. I am sure that is the first of many early pick ups. She was complaining of her tummy hurting and since Isabella threw up a few times the night before I didn’t want to take the chance of her throwing up at school. I had her rest on the couch the remainder of the afternoon. I am not sure she was sick. Part of me thinks she just wanted mommy and you know what that is okay with me. I mean she is only four and I love that my girls love being with their mommy; I know it won’t be like this forever.
5. Steve’s birthday is next week and I have to figure out what to get him. He always comes up with fabulous gift ideas for me and I can never come up with any for him. Okay I did once; I got him a package for a massage each month. I think this is his favorite. He does so much for his girls, including me, I wish I could give him something grand.
6. My brother flew into visit us tonight for a few days. We can’t wait to see him tomorrow. We are going to spend the day with him at my parents house. It will be a nice change of routine.
7. McKenzie and McKayla love my pumpkin protein pancakes. They are getting really good at feeding themselves. It makes breakfast time much easier. Just another way they are growing up too fast.
8. I have decided when you are a mom you have to make weekly to-do lists, not daily. Unexpected things happen way to often.
9. Lately, I have really been focused on my girls; spending time with them and not worrying so much about what I have to get done. This has truly enabled me to feel better about our days together. The house work with always be there but my girls are growing up fast. One thing I make sure I do is vacuum now that McKenzie and McKayla are moving I want to keep their crawl space clean.
10. I have started cleaning out my closest. If feels so good to get rid of unneeded stuff. I figured if I can’t get my first floor put together I might as well work on my room.
11. I miss my hubby. I miss us. Having four girls including 8 month old twins hasn’t left much time for us. I know we will get back there someday, but right now it’s hard.
12. I can’t wait for our night out on his birthday. My parents are going to take care of all four and we are going to go to dinner. I don’t remember the last time it was just the two of us. I look forward to getting dressed up and spending a little time together. As busy as we are with everything I still love my hubby, even more then the day we got married. Watching him with our girls is so special.
13. Tonight was one of my favorite nights; family movie night. We had a picnic dinner in our family room and watched Frozen. It was McKenzie and Mckayla’s first one and I think they loved it as much as we do. I can’t wait to have many more of these nights together. Our family is so special and I love us!!
Don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway. Click here for details. You have until the 31st to sign up.
In the Comments Below:
- It’s your turn, share what’s on your mind.
I absolutely adore how devoted you are to your girls, and to your family in general. I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be to take care of four little ones, but like you said — this time when they’re young is precious, and there’ll be plenty of time to catch up with other things when they get older
That being said, I’m sure you must be super excited about getting to spend some alone time with the hubby — hope you both have a blast 
Thank you. I always try to do what is best for my family. My mom always tells me to follow my heart. Yes, I can’t wait to spend some time with my hubby!!