- Right now my mind is pretty much all Christmas; gifts, parties, decorations, etc. I truly love everything about Christmas and it only gets better once all the gifts are bought and wrapped. My goal this weekend is to start wrapping. My favorite thing about Christmas is all the wonderful time we spend with our families. Our Christmas day is quite busy with all the different homes we visit, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. We love our traditions.
- I’m sorry I haven’t been around much this week, but it’s been crazy and next week doesn’t get much calmer, but all fun stuff so I can’t complain too much. I am so ready for Christmas break.
- I can’t wait to try out this new healthy apple crisp recipe I have conjured up in my mind. I haven’t tried it yet, but I think it is going to be delicious. Once it passes the taste test I will share it with you.
- I need a new book to read. I love any Emily Giffin books, but unfortunately I have read all of her current ones. I love book series such as The Hunger Games and Divergent. Any suggestions? What are you reading?
- A manicure and pedicure needs to be in my near future, but I don’t see how that is going to happen any time soon.
- Yesterday, was Steve and my shopping day (every year we pick a day to get all our shopping done) and it was a perfect day. Not a perfect day of gift buying, we bombed a little bit, but I loved spending an entire day with my hubby. After shopping we met my parents and our girls at On the Border to support a fundraiser for Sophia’s school and I can’t believe how easy eating out is becoming; is this real?
- One more week of school, activities, craziness until break. Whoo hoo!! Have I told you how ready I am for school Christmas vacation? But, I must say we have a lot of fun things happening in the next several days. This weekend we are having breakfast with Santa and there will be a lot of gift wrapping in my future.
- Isabella asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said nothing I have everything I have ever wanted and that is the truth. Ever since I was a little girl I have always dreamed of living the life I live; being a mom and a wife. Yes, I didn’t realize how difficult this life would be at times, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I have everything I need in life and I am truly and utterly happy.
{Thank you Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursdays}
In the Comments Below:
- It’s your turn. Tell me what is on your mind.
If you love Emily Giffin you might also like Liane Moriarty. I’ve read What Alice Forgot and The Husband’s Secret by her – both were really good! I also want to read more books by Jojo Moyes. I read One Plus One and enjoyed it but heard good things about her other books as well. Happy reading!
Thank you, I will be getting some of those ASAP!! Maybe over Christmas break I can have a little more time to read. Ha, but I love it!!
I have this one last week of calm, and then it will be pure insanity with everyone home with no school or work for the husband for two weeks. I’m so ready for it though!