1. Right now, I am really enjoying my pilates workouts, but I am still trying to figure out what program I want to start next. I keep looking into the Beachbody On Demand Program, but just can’t decide if it’s right for me or not; it does sounds amazing though. I would love to be able to change it up and try out didn’t types of exercise whenever I want and the price is right. We will see. Have any of you tried it out yet? Let me know in the comments below if you like it or not.
2. Our weather has been perfect these last couple weeks and we have taken full advantage of it; the majority our days have been spent at the pool. McKenzie and McKayla have become quite the little fish; they are too cute.
3. Tomorrow is Friday. Really. where had this week gone?! I’m so excited to have another weekend to get our lives back in order and I am more then ready for it.
4. I still have so much to share with you about our trip to Colorado and I promise I will get back to it ASAP!! I can’t wait for you to see my girls in their beautiful dresses; they were seriously too cute.
5. McKenzie and McKayla have started potty training. Yes, I have taken the leap and we are digging in. I think I am officially tired of changing diapers. We will see how it goes. On thing I know to be true is that if your child is not ready don’t push it and they are either ready or not. I really think McKayla is ready, McKenzie I’m not so sure. But, we are having fun trying and they are just so darn cute in their panties.
6. Tuesday afternoon was such a fun day; we spent the afternoon at Mimi and Papa’s house. It was a wonderful way to change up our routine and besides our girls love going there; they always beg to stay.
7. I just had to share a picture of Sophia wearing my hat; she’s just too cute. I can’t believe how grown up she looks.
8. This picture just melts my heart. I love watching my girls snuggle.
{I’m linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud}
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me what is on your mind.