1. Why can’t I stop yearning for another baby? I mean seriously our little ones are still babies. It has truly become bad lately. I can’t even go on Facebook without tearing up (a lot of my friends have been having babies). You see I am having a very difficult time with the realization that we are done having babies; no more pregnancies, no more deliveries, no more hospital stays with our baby (we never got to do this with McKenzie and McKayla – they were in the NICU), no more night feedings, no more snuggling a newborn baby in bed, no more nursing, the list could go on and on. I love it all!!
Part of the reason this is even harder for me is because I don’t feel as though I have been able to really savor every moment with our twins (we had a rough pregnancy; TTTS, SIUGR and bed rest), then there was colic and a ton of ear infections followed by two ear tube surgeries. Anyway, it has been a rough few years and I am sad our baby years have come to an end. I love our twins with my whole heart I just wish they were not our last. I loved being pregnant with our singletons (a word I only learned after becoming pregnant with twins) and I love having newborns (but our twins were extremely tough; I feel as though we just did everything we could to get through the baby stage). I know everything happens for a reason and I truly believe this is exactly where I am supposed to be. I am doing exactly what I am here to do. I am a mom to four beautiful little girls and life is amazing. Wow, I really just put it all out there.
2. I am truly going to embrace my little ones. I am going to cherish every moment I have with them. Before I know it McKenzie and McKayla are going to be getting on the school bus with their big sisters and I am going to be all alone and one sad Mama. The lesson I am learning is don’t rush through life no matter how difficult it may be try to find the best in everything you do. Look for the good in every situation.
3. Because of everything I have been feeling lately I told my little sister that I was going to borrow her baby (she’s not even pregnant) all the time. Anyone who knows me, knows I am serious. I cannot wait to hold her little one all the time. That baby is mine. Haha!!
4. 21 Day Fix extreme comes out in less then 2 weeks. I can’t wait!! It’s time to take my body to the next level.
5. This girl is adorable. I just can’t get enough Isabella and Mommy time. I love our time together. Isabella just dropped her nap last week; which at first I wasn’t sure about, but now I love it. I love spending one-on-one time with my baby.
One hot mess!!
6. My babies!! They love to sit in their rocking chair and read.
Our favorite book right now:
Wow, this was a pretty deep thinking out loud. I guess I have had a lot on my mind lately. Thank you for letting me share it all with you. You are all amazing and oh so supportive. I truly appreciate you.
Thank you Amanda for hosting.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me what is on your mind.
Your children are beautiful! Until a few weeks ago, I had never heard of 21 day fix. Now everyone is doing it.
Thank you. They are my life.
I totally feel you about wanting another baby! Twin pregnancies are tough and raising twins is even thougher! Mine will be 2 in March and time is flying by!! We have that book too! I love it and so do the twins!
Wow, 2!! I feel like our girls will be 2 in no time. Time does go by so fast. Twins they sure keep things interesting.